Not working, PIC's getting HOT


New member
Not working, PIC's getting HOT

Postby cruizer » Fri Nov 18, 2011 7:45 pm
Cannot figure out what is wrong, or probably more likely, what I did.

I am running the Ren-T to a Ren-C to the Grinch. I have two Grinch controllers both with Ren-C.

1) I plugged the +5v wire for the Grinch to my +5v plug on my computer. The LED on the Grinch came on, all 5 LED's on the Ren-C came on, and the LED's on my SSR's came on. I *accidentally* plugged my network cable (from the Ren-T) to the OUT port on the Ren-C, and then turned on the Ren-T (only one Grinch was hooked up at the time). All but the power LED on the Ren-C went out. Realizing my mistake, I turned off the Ren-T, that's when I went to grab the Grinch, and the PIC's burned my finger, they were so hot. Now every time I power the Grinch/Ren-C, the only LED that comes on on the Ren-C is the power LED. And the PIC's on the Grinch don't get hot anymore. I haven't changed the wiring in that respect. Plugged in the Ren-T properly, turned it on, no change. Christmas lights don't work.

2) Other Grinch/Ren-C controller. powered it up, same as #1. No Ren-T on yet, only Grinch, SSR's, and Ren-C Power LED's on. Other LED's on Ren-C aren't on. No working when testing as well. Any ideas?

Finally got my hands on a Fluke meter (since I can;t find mine) and found out that I hooked the system up to 12v, instead of 5. Using my foolproof premade plug, so I wouldn't do it again, as I had before. I dunno why it was wrong, so originally I never even considered it a problem. BUT since I've done that before, I'm going to go to my thread from a couple years back and see what the solution is.

Still, could I have messed anything up by hooking up the network cable from the Ren-T to the OUT plug of the Ren-C?