Pixel String Pihat Basic for Raspberry Pi pixel control


New member
My newest board is a Pihat for control of pixels using FPP. Standard 2 outputs, also has 2 power injection ports. Optional regulator for 12V users, RTC module and standoffs all of which are $1 each.

Available on my site, GetJBoards.com

Al, my guess is the 4 fuses are for the "Standard 2 outputs, also has 2 power injection ports" :wink:

Jeremy, I'm looking forward to the PiZero version. We that be available soon?
I’m also looking forward to the Pi Zero pixel controller board.
After looking at your board, I see mounting holes which seem to line up with the pi zero board. Is that correct?
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Al, my guess is the 4 fuses are for the "Standard 2 outputs, also has 2 power injection ports" :wink:
Is there a program/application that will stop you from being able to do anything after a 36 hour programming session? I need that!

I see it now. Thanks.
I’m also looking forward to the Pi Zero pixel controller board.
After looking at your board, I see mounting holes which seem to line up with the pi zero board. Is that correct?

Here's a PiZero Hat I created for last year:


I also have two other models--both are designed to fit into a small tube (aka PixelSticks). One if for 12V, and the other actually has the 12V->5V converter on-board that can be used to power 5V pixels (using 12V input).
Good question. Haven't tested it fully but I use one on my pi that I use for my show and it kept it over night and til the next evening once when I realized my pi was powered off.
Also since I put the header there for the RTC you can hook up an oled screen and use that new functionality in FPP if wanted.


Is there documentation for which pins you must connect for the pixel string pihat. My project involves a sparse matrix of leds (30mx50m), each row controlled by a zerow and your pihat. Additionally, I wanted to mount a Seeed 4 mic array (http://wiki.seeedstudio.com/ReSpeaker_4_Mic_Array_for_Raspberry_Pi/#hardware-overview) on each zero and use them to triangulate the noise in the space and indicate that location via the leds. Of course both hat have the female header already soldered. I think they Seeed uses GPIO12 and 13. It's possible I need to separate the noise detection from the LED control but I'd like to cut down on hardware. I'm prepared for a bit of hardware and/or software modifications. Any thoughts?
What controller do I use for the patching in Vixen V3 for this Pixel Pihat Zero? Is it an Streaming ACN (E1.31). I will eventually export the sequence to FPP for running the show.