Profile Already In Use Error


New member

I have downloaded the application from GIT and it compiles successfully but when I try to run the application I get the following error:

Profile is already in use or unable to lock the profile.

Has anyone else experienced this issue? What am I doing wrong?
You probably ran it from within Visual Studio and stopped it with the debugger instead of exiting Vixen normally. That will leave the lock file in the profile and not allow it to open it. Look for the .lock file in the root of the profile and delete it.

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sorry but I have the same problem, I can not find .clock file in my profile folder. I try to delete all my profiles and vixen still dose not work.
sorry but I have the same problem, I can not find .clock file in my profile folder. I try to delete all my profiles and vixen still dose not work.

There is a bug in the release version that if you do not have any profiles, the lock logic will not work correctly. That has been fixed in the developer build which is safe to use. We hopefully will be releasing 3.4u1 later this week based on that developer build.


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Hey So sorry to bump an old post but wanted to leave a tip. I just ran into this issue on Vixen 3.5 and my fix was running it as admin.

There was no lock file in the profile dir. It ran the first time after installing 3.5 without issue and but running it again it needed to be run as admin.
check that your antivirus program is not blocking Vixen.. I had the same error message, BitDefender had blocked Vixen from making changes to my system