Program triggers wrong relays?

z0mbie st0mp

New member
I created a scheduled program for all my songs to run.

I tried all 3 options for profiles at the bottom of the screen, but nothing will trigger the proper relays...

If i run the sequences normally by themselves, everything runs correctly?

Anyone know what's causing this?

Better yet, anyone know how to fix it?


Mac Mini running Windows 7 via boot camp
DIY Arduino-based 16 channel controller
Vixen 2
Ok, since nobody replied... And I figured it out by myself... Here is my findings.

When using a Mac running bootcamp, and running a program via vixen it will trigger the wrong relays during playback.

My solution was to combine all my sequences into one long sequence and schedule it to run, instead of a vixen program file
Have you considered upgrading to Vixen 3.2? Lot's of fixes in that version of the software. Just saying.