Remote player GPIOs not triggered by sequence


New member
I am exporting sequences from Vixen 3 to a system which now includes 8 GPIO-triggered circuits. Everything seems fine except the sequences will not trigger the lights to turn on.

I can trigger the GPIOs (and light the lights) via the Display Test tool on both the Master and Remote FPP boards, at the corresponding channel numbers. I have confirmed that Vixen exports the GPIOs starting at the correct channel number through the expected final channel number (currently using Generic Serial). However, playing sequences on either the Master or Remote will actually control the lights.

Is this a dimming curve issue? It's currently unchanged. Is there some way to check that Vixen or FPP are actually exporting/reading the correct channels for these lights?
This was resolved by investigating the channels in *.csv format and realizing that Vixen was never turning them on in the first place. The color mapping and/or color setting for the lights was wrong.