Sequencing Tools


New member

I've been introducing myself to Vixen over the past week. Vixen is a great piece of software as is. However, anything can be improved.

It seems from what I've read and from my initial experience is that people spend 1-8 hours per minute of audio to display sequencing. Anything that can be done to reduce this effort would be invaluable.

I have found the visualizer to be invaluable in getting the timing initiated. Using it, a rough sequence can be done fairly quickly without listening to the music.

My thought is to incorporate capablities that you can see in Widi Professional (
This software allows you to convert mp3s to midi, shows the note pitch and lengths, and allows you to "strike" the piano keys at any point in the song to hear the notes at that point.
I'm using it in a separate window as a tool to help with the sequence.

Now, if Vixen could automatically assign channels to note pitch as it reads a converted mp3 to midi file (as it currently runs the visualizer), the sequence would be done, then the actual mp3 could be assigned.

Sequences would then take minutes instead of hours.

Of course, you have nothing better to do than to make my dream come true.....:)
Not sure if you are aware, there are 3 tools to make it easier if you are using 2.X.XX.

First you have your waveform that is automatic, you just set the range and channels and it will fil htings out.

Second is the frequency spectrum, this is where you can play the song, see which frequencies are more active, set a level on each frequency and assign a channel to it.

And third is the Midi Reader, this is somewhat like you are talking about, but i am not 100% sure on it as i have not used it, but know its there.

I think that is all but im probably missing something, havent opened Vixen for a few months. Waiting for KC to get it to work on Vista x64
Wow! And I was already impressed with Vixen.

I haven't tried the first two tools, but attached is a sequence I put together in 5 minutes using the midi reader (5 minutes because it was the first time trying it) It's rough, but a good starting point.

The godrest.mid file can be found here:

It took me longer to get the uploader to take the file than it did to sequence. Rename it to .zip to extract.

Now I'm off to find you're first two tools! Thanks Josh!

KC, I'm not worthy!!


  • God Rest (midi).asm
    105.3 KB · Views: 15