SSRneon G2-LED PCBs Still Available


New member
I just want to let everyone know that I still have about 150 SSRneon G2-LED boards available. The price for each PCB is $1.75 plus PayPal and Shipping costs. The wiki for this board can be viewed at:

These SSRs work great with any of the controllers that use the standard DIYC SSR outputs.

If you are interested please send an email to orders "at" helixlightcontroller "dot" com and let me know how many of the PCBs you would like and your ZIP Code or country (if outside US) and I'll send a quote to include all costs.

Thank you,
I used 16 of these for last year's show and liked 'em so much I'm using 32 this year. I had absolutely no problems, they were great!
are there any pre-assembled units out there for sale? I don't have time this year to build any but could use some more if they are ready to go. - jack
I still have several of these SSRNeon G2-LED PCBs available for purchase for $1.75 ea. plus shipping and PayPal fees. Please follow the instructions in the first post if you are interested.