Stand Alone Midi tiggered Vixen sequences Launcher


New member

I've written a stand alone player for vixen sequences. It is triggered by midi input. It's written in visual basic so if people are intimidated by c# maybe this is more your style.

I would love to turn this into a vixen add-in but I have no idea where to begin with that.

It supports only the Renard protocol and it expects all of the channels to be sequential.

This program is tailored to my unique situation but I've uploaded the visual basic source code so you can modify it to your on unique situation.

I'm using a Behringer FCB1010 Midi Foot Controller with this application but you can use any mid device with it. The application currently ignores midi device ID settings but it would be trivial to include that and I suppose I'll do that in the near future myself. The controller sells for about $150.

I'm using this application to control the lights in my band's stage show.

The application ignores the comport settings in the vixen sequence. It also ignores the channel count and the channel order. These settings are taken instead from the application.

The application requires MidiOX - Free, download from here -

MidiOX comes with a library which can be included in your application.

I don't know how much I can support this application but I'll be happy to answer any questions people have.

In general, here is how to use it.

In the, There is a pre-compiled version which targets the .net framework 2.0 (I didn't target 3.5 because vixen uses 2.0 and I figured more people would have that) This version is in the deploy folder. Just run setup and try it out.

I wasn't able to run the compiled version on my machine at the office so if you find that all you get is the midiox window and you don't get a "Stone Fiction Midi Launcher" window, then you should try running this from visual studio using the source code. You can download visual studio 2008 (Visual Basic Language) from Microsoft for FREE.

Once you have the application running, pick a directory which has vixen sequence files in it.. Set your channel count, and set your comport up. Then pick some sequences and assign them to midi triggers. use the Try button to make sure everything is working properly. Don't forget to set the midi stop button. The loop button will cause the sequence to loop endlessly.

Now hook up a midi device and configure it to send the control commands you defined in the application. Device ID is ignored by the application as well as the 1-127 control value. (I send 1). Send a few commands and watch the sequences happen.

The application spawns a new thread each time it displays a sequence, if you spawn a sequence before one completes, the sequence is stopped the thread is killed and the new sequence starts all in the blink of an eye.

Your settings are saved any time you change them.

That's about it.. I hope someone else can find a use for this. I'm pleased that I was able to get this done by the 4th of July We've got a show tonight.