Suggestions for 2009


New member
I'm open to criticisms, anything you thought could have been better, etc at the 2008 mini.

Please tell the community so we can make the next mini the best yet!

How about much closer to Jacksonville, FL :)

LOL, Greg call the realtor!

This is a good idea to start this thread, I know I have had a few concerns PM'd to me. I have already discussed this with you and on another thread, so I do hope people chime in. Let's make 2009 even better!

I'll start........

We need a little bit more structure, let people that want to pop in and out know a tenative time for what is going to de discussed. I know I missed a few things when I was there.

Name tags!
I actually have a solution for the broadband connection issue. We got some cellular broadband modems at work. I can borrow one provided there is Sprint reception in the area. 1.5mb uploads I think, we use them for remote ip camera installations.
I actually have a solution for the broadband connection issue. We got some cellular broadband modems at work. I can borrow one provided there is Sprint reception in the area. 1.5mb uploads I think, we use them for remote ip camera installations.

I had one of these in my suitcase.. but didnt make it. Hopefully next year. I could bring one then as well.. use 1 for each camera etc..

I still believe we should move the gathering to a commercial location that has what we need for internet access, lighting and power, tables and chairs, a podium and stage, video and screen, catering... and nearby accomodations. Taking this step forward would give us the ability to court vendors. The price would go up a little bit....:rolleyes:

An actual agenda would give us the ability to lock in each person's demo or instruction. ...and the second day could be for the less formal "annual reunion of friends"

Some of our counterparts have been meeting this way for a while.

Does anyone else feel this is a good idea, or would you rather keep meeting at a private residence?


Who needs a broadband connection if we're all there?

All the wannabes who want to learn from the best... how to do all this stuff....
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I still believe we should move the gathering to a commercial location that has what we need for internet access, lighting and power, tables and chairs, a podium and stage, video and screen, catering... and nearby accomodations. Taking this step forward would give us the ability to court vendors. The price would go up a little bit....:rolleyes:

An actual agenda would give us the ability to lock in each person's demo or instruction. ...and the second day could be for the less formal "annual reunion of friends"

Some of our counterparts have been meeting this way for a while.

Does anyone else feel this is a good idea, or would you rather keep meeting at a private residence?


I am on board with this idea! This way everything is in one room, weather is not an issue, and can be more organized with better accommodations.
I have said this before, and I think Frank Agreed too. Just would need to commit to it and have a small non-refundable deposit. I can take this on with a little help from people.
well, it is time to start planning, I will get in touch with Greg, and we will see what the plans are.
This is very nice and all , but , has anybody actually viewed WHERE the majority of our members are located ? Wouldn't it be fair to have this more centrally located as to the location of members ( not necessarily geographically centered ) , rather than the east coast ?
I know I would LOVE to attend , but , going to the east coast .... a bit too far for my wallet .
Just curious if this was ever thought about ? ( distance and where the majority of DIYC members live )
This is very nice and all , but , has anybody actually viewed WHERE the majority of our members are located ? Wouldn't it be fair to have this more centrally located as to the location of members ( not necessarily geographically centered ) , rather than the east coast ?
I know I would LOVE to attend , but , going to the east coast .... a bit too far for my wallet .
Just curious if this was ever thought about ? ( distance and where the majority of DIYC members live )

Bob, that have been kicked around many times. It just seems that it just can't get organized, and quite a few of the members that do attend the Jersey Mini, are in the same delima as you, if it was held elsewhere, then they could not attend.

I tried this before, we had maybe three people say they would be willing to help the planning.

Volunteers are the key to making it work.
Actually, this is an east coast event. It was originally planned by me and held at my home as a gathering of folks from the Philly area. I was really surprised at the amount of interest, and the distance people travelled to be here. Greg offered to host it last year, and it's a good thing he did or I wouldn't have been able to attend my own gathering. Here in this section we discussed creating something that was specifically for the DIY group, to be held at a commercial venue and there wasn't much of a response. So, what Greg and I have decided to do is hold two events. One at my house for a few hours on a Saturday in June, where the topic of discussion will be LOR. And one at Greg's where it will be everything Christmas.

Lou and I tried to promote an all DIY, but maybe we weren't public enough.

There will be more info about the gathering at Greg's. I will do my best to attend. I've actually saved a week of Vacation, in case work tries to prevent me from being there.
I attended last year and it seemed the diy group held up camp in one area and the lor group in another.
I really thought kc having the stage and us all in like a clasroom setting for presentations would have been very cool.
Maybe plan a "dark room" for a presentation this year. I know we we all looking at some led wall washers and i hope to have something big and bright to show this year if i have time to make it out.
I would also be up for a "diy mini" within a state or two of pa.