Teensy 4.1 E1.31 receiver/controller


New member
Just thought I'd throw this onto the interwebs, so when I forget how to get it working, I'll be able to find my own answer...

After frying my T3.2 I decided to try out the T4.1. Since it's so new, I had a hard time finding ready to use code. I was able to get it working this morning, finally. I haven't had a chance to really push it, as you can see, I'm only using 2 pins. The great thing about the 4.1, besides the number of pinouts, is that you can choose which pins, and the pin order you use for the octows2811 library. I'll probably clean up the code and include some additional features over time, but for now, if anyone is struggling to get it working, here is code that seems to work. I'll keep playing with this. Right now, it's based on mrees MegaPixelController, with additional help from the teensy forums to get the built in ethernet to play nice with FastLED FastLED-with-Teensy-4-1-fast-parallel-DMA-output-on-any-pin. I also increased UDP_TX_PACKET_MAX_SIZE to 1500.

//Running e131 through OctoWS2811 powered by fastled on Teensy 4.1
//Brian Amos <brian@amoscomputing.com>

#include <OctoWS2811.h>
#include <FastLED.h>
#include <NativeEthernet.h>
#include <Arduino.h>

//debug mode adds some serial feedback during testing. Remove this line for production code
#define DEBUG_MODE 1

//DEFINES for at Compile time.
//Leave this alone.  At current a full e1.31 frame is 636 bytes..
#define ETHERNET_BUFFER 636 //540 is artnet leave at 636 for e1.31
#define NUM_LEDS_PER_STRIP 340 //170 //680 default
#define NUM_STRIPS 2 //make sure pin list is accurate
#define DMX_SUBNET 0

int unsigned DMX_UNIVERSE = 1; //**Start** universe 1, 9, 17, 25, 33, 41
int unsigned UNIVERSE_COUNT = 4; //How Many Universes 8, 8, 8, 4, 8, 8
int unsigned UNIVERSE_LAST = 4; // List the last universe typically its sequencially from start but does not have to. 8, 16, 24, 28, 32, 40
int unsigned CHANNEL_COUNT = 510; //max channels per dmx packet
byte unsigned LEDS_PER_UNIVERSE = 170; // Max RGB pixels //170 default
int unsigned NUM_LEDS  = UNIVERSE_COUNT * LEDS_PER_UNIVERSE; // with current fastLED and OctoWs2811 libraries buffers... do not go higher than this - Runs out of SRAM

//ethernet setup
unsigned char packetBuffer[ETHERNET_BUFFER];
int c = 0;
float fps = 0;
unsigned long currentMillis = 0;
unsigned long previousMillis = 0;

EthernetUDP Udp;
uint8_t mac[6]; //this is determined from the Teensy 4.1 board.  
IPAddress ip(192,168,1,10); //static ip address of board
#define UDP_PORT 5568 //E1.31 UDP Port Number

//set up OctoWS2811 and FastLED for Teensy 4.1
const int numPins = NUM_STRIPS;
byte pinList[numPins] = {19, 18};
const int ledsPerStrip = NUM_LEDS_PER_STRIP; //this should be NUM_LEDS / numPins => VERIFY THIS MATCHES THE HARDWARE!! //should also be multiples of a single universe of leds
CRGB rgbarray[numPins * ledsPerStrip];

  // These buffers need to be large enough for all the pixels.
  // The total number of pixels is "ledsPerStrip * numPins".
  // Each pixel needs 3 bytes, so multiply by 3.  An "int" is
  // 4 bytes, so divide by 4.  The array is created using "int"
  // so the compiler will align it to 32 bit memory.
DMAMEM int displayMemory[ledsPerStrip * numPins * 3 / 4];
int drawingMemory[ledsPerStrip * numPins * 3 / 4];
OctoWS2811 octo(ledsPerStrip, displayMemory, drawingMemory, WS2811_GRB | WS2811_800kHz, numPins, pinList);

template <EOrder RGB_ORDER = RGB,
          uint8_t CHIP = WS2811_800kHz>
class CTeensy4Controller : public CPixelLEDController<RGB_ORDER, 8, 0xFF>
    OctoWS2811 *pocto;

    CTeensy4Controller(OctoWS2811 *_pocto)
        : pocto(_pocto){};

    virtual void init() {}
    virtual void showPixels(PixelController<RGB_ORDER, 8, 0xFF> &pixels)

        uint32_t i = 0;
        while (pixels.has(1))
            uint8_t r = pixels.loadAndScale0();
            uint8_t g = pixels.loadAndScale1();
            uint8_t b = pixels.loadAndScale2();
            pocto->setPixel(i++, r, g, b);


CTeensy4Controller<RGB, WS2811_800kHz> *pcontroller;

void setup() {



  static char teensyMac[23];
  sprintf(teensyMac, "MAC: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x", mac[0], mac[1], mac[2], mac[3], mac[4], mac[5]);
  Serial.print("MAC: ");
  Ethernet.begin(mac, ip);

  Serial.print("IP Address: ");
  Serial.print("MAC: ");

  pcontroller = new CTeensy4Controller<RGB, WS2811_800kHz>(&octo);

  FastLED.addLeds(pcontroller, rgbarray, numPins * ledsPerStrip);
  Serial.println("Test Sequence Complete");
} //end setup

static inline void fps2(const int seconds){
  // Create static variables so that the code and variables can
  // all be declared inside a function
  static unsigned long lastMillis;
  static unsigned long frameCount;
  static unsigned int framesPerSecond;
  // It is best if we declare millis() only once
  unsigned long now = millis();
  frameCount ++;
  if (now - lastMillis >= seconds * 1000) {
    framesPerSecond = frameCount / seconds;
    Serial.print("FPS @ ");
    frameCount = 0;
    lastMillis = now;


static inline void pixelrefresh(const int syncrefresh){
  // Create static variables so that the code and variables can
  // all be declared inside a function 
  static unsigned long frametimestart;
  static unsigned long frametimeend;
  static unsigned long frametimechk;
  static unsigned long frameonce;
  unsigned long now = micros();

  //start frame time
  frametimestart = now;
   //If we have framed no need to frame again update time to most recent
   if  (syncrefresh == 1){
   frametimeend = frametimestart; 
   frameonce = 1;
//If we havent framed this will increment via time and at some point will be true, 
//if so we need to frame to clear out any buffer and the hold off untill 
//we receive our next valid dmx packet. We use the pixel protocol to get a general rule of timing to compare to.

frametimechk = frametimestart - frametimeend;
 // num leds time 30us + 300us reset to simulate the time it would take to write out pixels. 
 //this should help us not loop to fast and risk premature framing and jeopordize ethernet buffer
 if  (frametimechk >= (NUM_LEDS * 30) + 300){
  frametimeend = frametimestart;

    if (frameonce == 1){


    Serial.println ("Partial framing detected");
    frameonce = 0;  

void sacnDMXReceived(unsigned char* pbuff, int count) {
  Serial.print("sacn DMX Received: Subnet=");
  Serial.print(", Universe=");
  Serial.print(", Sequence=");
  static unsigned long uniloopcount;
  if (count > CHANNEL_COUNT) count = CHANNEL_COUNT;
  byte b = pbuff[113]; //DMX Subnet
  if ( b == DMX_SUBNET) {
    b = pbuff[114];  //DMX Universe
    byte s = pbuff[111]; //sequence
    static unsigned long ls; // Last Sequence
    if (s > ls){
    uniloopcount = 0; 
    ls = s;
   //turn framing LED OFF
//   digitalWrite(4, HIGH);
//    Serial.print("UNI ");
//    Serial.println(count );
//    Serial.println(s);
    if ( b >= DMX_UNIVERSE && b <= UNIVERSE_LAST) {
        //Serial.println(b );
      if ( pbuff[125] == 0 ) {  //start code must be 0   
       int ledNumber = (b - DMX_UNIVERSE) * LEDS_PER_UNIVERSE;
         // sACN packets come in seperate RGB but we have to set each led's RGB value together
         // this 'reads ahead' for all 3 colours before moving to the next led.
        for (int i = 126;i < 126+count;i = i + 3){
          byte charValueR = pbuff[i];
          byte charValueG = pbuff[i+1];
          byte charValueB = pbuff[i+2];
          octo.setPixel(ledNumber, charValueR,charValueG,charValueB); //RBG GRB

         uniloopcount ++;

        //if (b == UNIVERSE_LAST){
        if (uniloopcount >= UNIVERSE_COUNT){ 
        //Turn Framing LED ON
//        digitalWrite(4, LOW);

        uniloopcount = 0;
        //Frames Per Second Function fps(every_seconds)


int checkACNHeaders(unsigned char* messagein, int messagelength) {
  //Do some VERY basic checks to see if it's an E1.31 packet.
  //Bytes 4 to 12 of an E1.31 Packet contain "ACN-E1.17"
  //Only checking for the A and the 7 in the right places as well as 0x10 as the header.
  //Technically this is outside of spec and could cause problems but its enough checks for us
  //to determine if the packet should be tossed or used.
  //This improves the speed of packet processing as well as reducing the memory overhead.
  //On an Isolated network this should never be a problem....
  if ( messagein[1] == 0x10 && messagein[4] == 0x41 && messagein[12] == 0x37) {   
      int addresscount = (byte) messagein[123] * 256 + (byte) messagein[124]; // number of values plus start code
      return addresscount -1; //Return how many values are in the packet.
  return 0;

void initTest() //runs at board boot to make sure pixels are working
  LEDS.clear(); //clear led assignments
//  LEDS.showColor(CRGB(0,0,0)); //turn off all pixels to start
//  delay(500);
  LEDS.showColor(CRGB(255, 0, 0)); //turn all pixels on red

  LEDS.showColor(CRGB(0, 255, 0)); //turn all pixels on green

  LEDS.showColor(CRGB(0, 0, 255)); //turn all pixels on blue

  LEDS.showColor(CRGB(0,0,0)); //turn off all pixels to start

//  LEDS.showColor(CRGB(50, 50, 50)); //turn all pixels off
  //process dot trace
     for (int n=0; n < NUM_LEDS_PER_STRIP*NUM_STRIPS; n++){

    for (int n=0; n < NUM_LEDS_PER_STRIP*NUM_STRIPS; n++){

    for (int n=0; n < NUM_LEDS_PER_STRIP*NUM_STRIPS; n++){



//define mac address of board
void teensyMAC(uint8_t *mac) {

  static char teensyMac[23];
  #if defined(HW_OCOTP_MAC1) && defined(HW_OCOTP_MAC0)
    Serial.println("using HW_OCOTP_MAC* - see https://forum.pjrc.com/threads/57595-Serial-amp-MAC-Address-Teensy-4-0");
    for(uint8_t by=0; by<2; by++) mac[by]=(HW_OCOTP_MAC1 >> ((1-by)*8)) & 0xFF;
    for(uint8_t by=0; by<4; by++) mac[by+2]=(HW_OCOTP_MAC0 >> ((3-by)*8)) & 0xFF;

    #define MAC_OK

    mac[0] = 0x04;
    mac[1] = 0xE9;
    mac[2] = 0xE5;

    uint32_t SN=0;
      Serial.println("using FTFL_FSTAT_FTFA - vis teensyID.h - see https://github.com/sstaub/TeensyID/blob/master/TeensyID.h");
      FTFL_FCCOB0 = 0x41;
      FTFL_FCCOB1 = 15;
      while (!(FTFL_FSTAT & FTFL_FSTAT_CCIF)) ; // wait
      SN = *(uint32_t *)&FTFL_FCCOB7;

      #define MAC_OK
    #elif defined(HAS_KINETIS_FLASH_FTFE)
      Serial.println("using FTFL_FSTAT_FTFE - vis teensyID.h - see https://github.com/sstaub/TeensyID/blob/master/TeensyID.h");
      *(uint32_t *)&FTFL_FCCOB3 = 0x41070000;
      while (!(FTFL_FSTAT & FTFL_FSTAT_CCIF)) ; // wait
      SN = *(uint32_t *)&FTFL_FCCOBB;

      #define MAC_OK

    for(uint8_t by=0; by<3; by++) mac[by+3]=(SN >> ((2-by)*8)) & 0xFF;


  #ifdef MAC_OK
    sprintf(teensyMac, "MAC: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x", mac[0], mac[1], mac[2], mac[3], mac[4], mac[5]);
    Serial.println("ERROR: could not get MAC");

void loop() {
   //Process packets
   int packetSize = Udp.parsePacket(); //Read UDP packet count
    Udp.read(packetBuffer,ETHERNET_BUFFER); //read UDP packet
    int count = checkACNHeaders(packetBuffer, packetSize);
    if (count) {
//     Serial.print("packet size first ");
//     Serial.println(packetSize);


     sacnDMXReceived(packetBuffer, count); //process data function



I’m still at the breadboard stage, I don’t have it in production yet. Hopefully I’ll be able to get it running in this year's show. You can find the board at https://www.pjrc.com/store/teensy41.html. I got the board and the Ethernet kit, with shipping I think I’m out about $35. I got other things on the same order so I’m not positive on the cost for just the T4.1 and the Ethernet kit. It’s powered by an ARM cortex at 600 MHz, with 8mb memory (expandable) and 35 pwm pins with built in Ethernet. Theoretically it could run 23,800 nodes at 20 hz. I don’t own that many to try it out, and that would probably push the Ethernet past its 100mbps (which is really 90-95 mbps after overhead). It should run my 6000+ nodes just fine. Once I get it working on a prop I’ll post a video.
I've been using a Teensy 3.2 for my show for a while. This looks like a cool upgrade option! Looking forward to future updates :)
I picked up a 4.0 here a couple weeks ago, and using ShadowLight's Sketch it didnt work out of the box so I am picking up another 3.2 for now. But I'll have to follow this on the 4.1 with ethernet. I would love to change over to ethernet vs USB to redo the player for the show. Thanks for the update on this.
I picked up a 4.0 here a couple weeks ago, and using ShadowLight's Sketch it didnt work out of the box so I am picking up another 3.2 for now. But I'll have to follow this on the 4.1 with ethernet. I would love to change over to ethernet vs USB to redo the player for the show. Thanks for the update on this.

This should work on a T4.0 via usb with some minor changes. Just dump the Ethernet code and fill the buffers from usb serial. I don’t use usb since my show computer is 100’ away from the controllers, but it shouldn’t be too hard. With usb you could probably just use fastled, I don’t think serial uses interrupts, so that shouldn’t affect anything. I do know that if the universe and led counts aren’t exactly the same on the controller as they are in the model strange things happen.
Here is a demo of the T4.1 running 1200 pixels at 40hz refresh rate. Control is by xLights on my Mac. The connection is wifi between the host computer and the router, and it's working well. Of course the host computer is within 10 ft of the wifi router, but it's an old router connected at 802.11g. I prefer 20 hz with outside shows, but 40 hz seems to look much better with these strips. Everything is still on breadboards, and the power is only provided at the very start, so you can probably notice low power effects at the far end of the run (which happens to be the closest side to the camera).

I did some stress testing this morning. I reprogrammed it to get 640 pixels per output with 32 outputs. I ran the xlights sequence at about 30 FPS, and it performed quite well. I don’t own 20,000 pixels to try it out in a live show, but the processor was spitting out the data at the required frequency to each pin. As the pins are only writing out data, I assume that it’ll work the same whether or not pixels are connected to each pin or not.

I’m very pleased with the capabilities of this little chip. I need to cleanup the code a bit then I’ll post it here. I’m currently designing a small interface board with buffer chips and resistors to make connection more secure than the breadboard I’m currently using. If anyone is interested I can have some additional boards printed. My initial thought is to provide connection between the board and the lights via a screw terminal or a thruhole solder connection. I know the octo board uses RJ-45, is that more standard than having to solder connectors in? Does anyone have some experience either way?
Have a look at scooter_seh's github page for his open source controller (Beaglebone based). This is how I understand most people expect the controllers to interface with the pixel ports.


Not sure if you are aware, Adafruit recenlty posted on their blog an entry about using a SAMD mcu timer port with DMA to achieve 8 simultaneous pixel ports on one of their feathers. I think they called it NeoPXL8 or something like that. Not sure if this is relevant to you or not. What caught my eye was with the limited RAM they could push 2000 pixels with a SAMD21.

That’s fairly impressive for the feather to push 2000 pixels, the process they use is fairly similar to that used on the T4.1. The cost of the feather is about the same as the cost of the T4.1. The main difference is that the 4.1 can drive 32 pins simultaneously and up to 1000 leds per pin at a frame rate of 33 hz with no performance problems on the chip. Driving 1000 2811s on a single pin is problematic due to the 2811 chip. After somewhere between 680 and 700 leds, you’ll visually notice the degradation of performance, which limits this chip to 21,700 leds directly driven. Though with a faster led chip, the limit would be about 30,000 leds. There are some solutions that multiplex the pinout to split 3 pins into 8 strips worth of data. That may be an option to get the T4.1 to drive 30,000 ws2811s. That’s not my goal, however. I personally prefer to have a single controller run a few props only. My main attraction to the T4.1 is that I can basically be limitless on the amount of leds in each prop. I’ll never get a single prop to the 20,000 led range. My entire show will probably max out at 20,000 leds after my wife has everything she wants in it. Also, the T4.1 is relatively inexpensive, allowing me to have a cost effective way to place a high capacity controller at each prop.

Thanks for the info on the connection to the board. I do see that many commercial controllers use slip or screw terminals. The current connection to the teensy boards uses RJ-45 to cat 6, which will run 4 strings per RJ45. The footprint of the RJ45 is quite a bit smaller than the screw terminals. And they are quite a bit cheaper. I like the cat6 option for longer runs to props, as there is less passive interference than on other wiring packages. Maybe I’ll design it with both options. I don’t intend to manufacture these boards for mass sales. I’ll make them for myself and if someone else is interested I can have a few more made at a time so we can all get them cheaper. But it’s more of an open source, build it yourself kind of project.
Many of the controllers have a few "differential" transmission ports for remote props. These are typically RJ45. There are a few controllers only have the differential ports (Falcon F48)
I did some stress testing this morning. I reprogrammed it to get 640 pixels per output with 32 outputs. I ran the xlights sequence at about 30 FPS, and it performed quite well. I donÂ’t own 20,000 pixels to try it out in a live show, but the processor was spitting out the data at the required frequency to each pin. As the pins are only writing out data, I assume that itÂ’ll work the same whether or not pixels are connected to each pin or not.

IÂ’m very pleased with the capabilities of this little chip. I need to cleanup the code a bit then IÂ’ll post it here. IÂ’m currently designing a small interface board with buffer chips and resistors to make connection more secure than the breadboard IÂ’m currently using. If anyone is interested I can have some additional boards printed. My initial thought is to provide connection between the board and the lights via a screw terminal or a thruhole solder connection. I know the octo board uses RJ-45, is that more standard than having to solder connectors in? Does anyone have some experience either way?

Are you able to share the updated code with the 32 outputs? This might solve a long running headache for me!
I am wondering how you have progressed with the Teensy 4.1 setup? Did you get around to updating the code and/or developing a small interface board? If so, I would be interested in following in your footsteps. I have been using Wemos D1 minis, ESPixel stick, FPP and xlights to drive my wifi only displays for the last few years now but the total number of lights in my display grows each year and is now pushing the limits of wifi only. The teensy setup looks really sweet.
Its been quite some time since I was involved with the megapixel project. Its good to see some remnants of the project being used here. Good to see some code on the t4.1 and the native ethernet. Wiz Chips are a challenge with the limited buffer. It was always cat and mouse with the code to get 32 uni to run. If too much time on CPU it was a cost at loosing Universes. Running multicast was the next challenge . Wiznet chip had to run in raw mode to get it to take on more than 8 universes. I would be curious how multicast support is on the native ethernet.

@Brianamos - just found this thread... had a few questions for you.

Like you I fried my 3.2 and upgraded to the 4.0.
I have the board designed by @CREES... and they worked a dream with 3.1

Did similar things to you to mod the software for 4.0 and have it working, but as CREES says, its hard to run for a lot of pixels on the ethernet.
I've got the board working with the default eithernet but have a few issues with syncing the DMX packets.
Going to spend tomorrow working on the one socket ethernet software from CREES.

Working directly off the board with no ethernet, it flys... like at a stupid refesh rate on 8 x 680 pixels!!! (im actually only using 8 x 150 but I have the settings for 4x510 channels per string for testing)

Was curious about your NativeEthernet.h... what ethernet software are you using?

WHat is the most pixels (and pixels per string) you have been able to drive?

@CREES - if you read this... yep I still have the boards and they havent let me down. You should try the 4.1, its sooo much faster and it might just overcome some of the issues you refer to.
OK found nativeethernet - never noticed that library before.
Also found your github, so having a quick play.

Will let you know the outcome tomorrow!

Edit: woke this morning... realised that the nativeethernet.h was for the 4.1 only (hense why I hadnt noticed it before).
Took the ethernet_master from github and modified it for one socket and large buffer!

Works like a dream now.

So in summary... if you are using the 4.0

Download ethernet master
modify the ethernet.h file

force max_socket_num to be 1
uncomment out the ethernet_large_buffer (few lines down)

and bingo it should all work.
Last edited:
Thanks guys. Ultimately the limitation is within the limited wiznet buffer and the cpu speed . It certainly can be stretched to 32 universes at 40fps sacn/artnet depending on efficient loop code. Looking At designing a new controller based on either the esp32 or the teensy 4.1 depending on what supply chain issues will dictate in the near future. What is promising is the new Ethernet options .
Chris... with the 4.0 being about 15 times faster than the 3.2, the wiznet seems to work well with 8x 32 - using the one socket large buffer changes.
using a 4.1 (please ping me - you have my email still I think) as I would buy one of the board for a 4.1

Biggest advantage of a 4.1 (other than the ethernet appears to be faster) is you can drive more than 8 strings... now that would make of an interesting controller at that point!
I thought I already had. Here is a link to the project in GitHub.


I tried this code last night and after a bit of finangling, I got it communicating between my raspi and the teensy ethernet (the one sold on Paul's site here: https://www.pjrc.com/store/ethernet_kit.html)

I was not able to get it to reliably drive lights. I did see the test sequence fire about as I expected, but running a display test from FPP would only update the lights about every 5 seconds or so (regardless of what I had the update speed set to). It was updating, just take a very long time to change the lights. Any idea what I could do to chase this down?
I can also only get it to work with unicast. Multicast doesn't display anything... Thanks!
I tried this code last night and after a bit of finangling, I got it communicating between my raspi and the teensy ethernet (the one sold on Paul's site here: https://www.pjrc.com/store/ethernet_kit.html)

I was not able to get it to reliably drive lights. I did see the test sequence fire about as I expected, but running a display test from FPP would only update the lights about every 5 seconds or so (regardless of what I had the update speed set to). It was updating, just take a very long time to change the lights. Any idea what I could do to chase this down?
I can also only get it to work with unicast. Multicast doesn't display anything... Thanks!

So - scratch my last. I was messing around different sketches trying to run on the Teensy 4.1 with Ethernet. On a whim I re-flashed this and tried to drive directly from Xlights. It worked great! Then I plugged back into my Pi running FPP, and it worked great! So Now the only mystery is why it didn't work at first. Maybe a bad cable, something loose.

Instead of worrying about that, I'm just gonna get my Mega tree setup and worry about it later. Thanks Brian!