The Cool Quartet - Penguins playing violins and cello


New member
This year's project - adding music to the yard. I've had a LightShow box for about 6 years that is useless for lights, but finally came up with a good way to add some class-ical to my yard.

Best part of the whole project is it didn't cost me anything (currently)...found 2 old gift cards from Home Depot and Lowe's which covered cost of wood. All other parts were from old projects that didn't work out (decorations were stolen from my wife's supply).

Music is by Camilli String Quartet (album "Noel Noel").

Before it was completed - couple of videos

Thanks, yes, it is a zip tie. It was faster than digging through all the nuts and bolts to find some that would fit (the holes were smaller due to not finding my normal drill bit for the normal bolts I use). It worked for 2 1/2 days so I'm hoping it will last till I can re-work it after Christmas.