Top tip for adding timing marks

I had somewhat of a breakthrough with timing marks in Vixen today. Vixen has the ability to import marks from an external file, I expect xLights has the same. For a piece of music which has a constant tempo (think heavily produced....) then it's possible to automate mark generation as follows:

- place a mark on the first and last bar as accurately as you can. Make a note of the times
- Divide the time by the number of bars in the music
- Using a little excel trickery, calculate all the intermediate times
- Import file back into Vixen (I used audacity format, which is just a list of times. I used seconds and milliseconds format.

You can also use the same trick to subdivide into measures, half measures etc. Gone is the need to keep hitting the space bar trying to get marks as accurate as you can on each beat.

Audacity itself may have the ability to do something like this with sound files, I haven't used it.

I'm sure I'm not the first person to do this, but thought I'd share the concept.
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