Triks C and path


Active member
Hi everyone,

I am having a problem getting my path correct running my TriksC files...with batch files.

If I create the .bat with no path indicated (see example 1 below) and put it into the directory with my .DAT, LED, and .exe file it works like a charm. See the line from my .bat below:

EXAMPLE 1: ltc09.exe 5min.led #frm #cls tskill ltc09

BUT if I add the actual path (see line from batch below (example 2) including complete path) I simply see a momentary flash of the command prompt window.....but nothing executes and the triksC file does not acts like it doesn't see all the needed files even though they are in the folder.

EXAMPLE 2: C:\Users\Dad\Documents\Vixen\Sequences ltc09.exe 5min.led #frm #cls tskill ltc09

Can someone tell me how to get the complete path to work in my batch file? I need to use the path way due to changes I'm making to the show this the past I just executed from within the folder as in the first example above and everything was fine.....I can't do that with the current changes and need to go to the path approach.

Thanks for any thoughts...advice..
It's been a while since I played with LTC but I seem to recall I did a 'cd' to the directory of the exe and files and ran everything from there.
I think that a "CD\ltc" or whatever the "LTC" directory is called, put as the first line of the *.bat file should redirect the system to that directory and everything else can then be listed as "normal" within the *.bat file.

Here is one of mine from last year :-

echo off
ltc_11.exe JoytoTheWorld_2012.led #dly20 #frm #cls
ltc_11.exe DIY_Christmas_2012.led #dly20 #frm #cls
ltc_11.exe EntryNo15_Short_2012.led #dly20 #frm #cls
ltc_11.exe JoytoTheWorld_2012.led #dly20 #frm #cls
ltc_11.exe Happy_Christmas_2013.led #dly20 #frm #cls

