Update screen during draw of Chase Line


New member
While holding down the Control button and moving the mouse to define a Chase, it would be helpful to be able to see the chase events on the grid immediately (while the Control key is still pressed and the mouse is still moving). This would allow me to see if I got the correct shape or slope on the chase and make adjustments immediately, rather than let go of the mouse and see that I did not quite get the right shape, then undo, then press the Control key and try to redraw the line again in the right place. This would be especially handy for the Paste from Clipboard option, because then I could see if the fades are overlapping the way I wanted them to. I think the immediate visual feedback will make drawing chase lines much easier.

On any recent PC, this should not cause any noticeable degradation in performance. On older PCs or PCs with lousy video cards, I could see that this option would be too slow to keep up with the mouse, so maybe it should be a user-selectable option. For example, add a "Predraw" checkbox under Chase Line options, right under the "Paste From Clipboard" option.

