Updated Website for PhillyMini


New member
Hello all, There is an updated Website again for www.phillyareamini.com Any comments (all are welcomed, I am no expert) are appreicated. Fee free to sugguest more ideas for page. Am in the works on adding an area for donations links, and more pictures of the past mini's, and wht is to be axcepted at 2008. And if anybody has a christmas or other template we can use that wouold be appropreate, would be appreciated. Even if there is a small charge, I have my ways of taking care of that.

P.s. Sorry for the longer load time of graphics, my compression program went for a walk this week.
Looks great to me. Don't take this the wrong way, but I really like simple websites. Bells and whistles are nice, but only add to the clutter imho.

Keep up the good work.