Using "Jawduino" on my Moose Head

Joe Paul

Supporting Member
Hi Folks,

While I'm resolving my Vixen animatronic issues, I decided to try the "Jawduino" approach.

In the last 3rd of the video, because Nat's singing is louder (I assume), the movements are better synced. There hasn't been any manipulation of the audio; its played straight off of YouTube.

Below is the code from
I only added my servo values, and I will adjust them shortly
#include <Servo.h> // Standard servo library

Servo myservo;
#define SERVO_PIN 3     //  Set to the controller pin for the servo

int servo_pos = 85;
int val1;               //  Floating value 1
int val2;               //  Floating value 2
int val3;               //  Floating value 3

char smon[30];           //  Serial monitor buffer

void setup() {

void loop() {
  //  Set our initial servo position:
  servo_pos = 85;
  //  Read our (floating) LED values
  val1 = analogRead(A1);
  val2 = analogRead(A2);
  val3 = analogRead(A3);

  if(val1 < 341) servo_pos += 10; //these 3 lines need to be adjusted to 6, 15, 10, total of approx. 31
  if(val2 < 341) servo_pos += 10;
  if(val3 < 341) servo_pos += 10;

  //  Debugging:  Use the arduino IDE serial monitor to see these values
  //sprintf(smon, "A1:%4d A2:%4d A3:%4d Pos:%4d", val1, val2, val3, servo_pos);

  //  Set the servo position:
   val1 = map(val1, 0, 1023, 84, 125);  //my moose values 84, mouth closed, 125, fully open
  //  Tiny delay:

So what I intend to do is not use the singer's audio to trigger the servo but rather record my own sounds, tones, singing, whatever, in a track that's not patched through to the speakers. This is much faster than all the tedious sequencing.

How I modified the purchased moose head and made the mouth mechanism:

Take care, Joe.
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