Vixen 3.8 Preview freezes


New member
Vixen supports two previews. One uses the Windows GDI, the other leverages OpenGL. I am wondering if the OpenGL might be more performant for you. You can select the OpenGL option in the Preview Setup screen up in the menu. Might be worth a try.

I'm assuming the original PC must not support OpenGL since the option was greyed out. I have a new Dell PC I'm testing with as well and it did support OpenGL. When I enabled OpenGL and ran the sequence it didn't improve. I did some work right after the holidays and I can't remember if I upgraded Vixen or not. I've been working on some props and wanted to start incorporating them. I could tell there was an issue before I started adding adding the new effects to the new props. I used the custom prop editor to add 3 snowflakes to the profile. That process went really well I thought. I added them to the preview and they look good.

Should I try to downgrade Vixen? Should I remove the new props? I though it was a PC performance issue so I loaded the profile to a new Dell Latitude 7420 with an Intel i7 11th Gen @ 3.00 GHz processor. It's has 16 GB of RAM installed running Windows 10. I know this is a small display and I shouldn't be seeing any glitches, but the way it's running right now it's impossible to try to sequence. Thanks again for responding and any help or advise is greatly appreciated.