Vixen to HLS Beta Available


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You can download the latest HLS from:

Version 0G has the Vixen to HLS conversion.

I converted a 600 channel Dueling Banjos - it appears correct but I don't run Vixen so I can't say 100%.

Steps to do conversion:

1. Convert MP3 song to WAV per the instructions in Jon's "How To" manual.

2. Under File - select Vixen Conversion - it will ask for you to select the VIX file.

3. After conversion - see Jon's manual - select the channels of interest and make a group - then select the group to work on.

I did a major restructuring of the basic engine. The 600 channel VIX file had so many effects to really slowed things down.

I now support a Database of effects and do NOT export them to a config file - this brings the performance back into specification.

This is still considered Beta code - there will be bugs - I will address them if you help tell me about them.

I would really appreciate any feedback on the VIX conversions - did they work - not work etc.


i just tried it. downloaded the MP3 to WAV converter, converted the MP3 to WV and then imported a Vixen sequence into HLS. i grouped some channels for one of our lighting elements and looked at them in HLS. eveything lookede fine. played the song and watcehd it play in the HLS sequence builder. all appeared fine. i did not output it to hardware as i have nothing hooked up right now.

nice job Joe
I tried it on a sequence I've been working on from scratch and got the message "No channel in VIX file". What does that mean?

Thank you,

I could not find Channel information.

What I have found as I keep trying to get different VIX file to test with, is the VIX internal format keeps changing.

I suspect you have a VIX file that I have not seen.

If you can PM me - we can make arrangements for me to acquire it and see what is different in yours.

I don't know when Vixen creates the actual "Channel" information - but it appears if you are working on a sequence - the information is not there.

I have revised HLS to version 0H - it detects the missing "Channel" information and creates channels based on TimeStamp length.

Thanks for providing feedback.

As always - the latest version can be acquired from the link below.


Update: I was sent the following information which might help.

To solve it - I think they can open their sequence in Vixen -- then there are 2 choices under the Profiles tab. I think if they would choose Flatten profile into sequence and then save their file it would convert with channel info.
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Don't run 0H --- please get 0J.

Since I was testing VIX files multiple times, I added code to remove the effects database.

Problem was - I did it all of the time - so your work was not properly saved.

0J - fixes that.

I don't know when Vixen creates the actual "Channel" information - but it appears if you are working on a sequence - the information is not there.

The channel info can be in a separate Profile. If there is a <Profile> tag in the .vix file, that gives the name of the .pro file that contains the actual channel definitions. The Profile will be located in the Profiles subfolder rather than in the Sequences subfolder under Vixen.

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The channel info can be in a separate Profile. If there is a <Profile> tag in the .vix file, that gives the name of the .pro file that contains the actual channel definitions. The Profile will be located in the Profiles subfolder rather than in the Sequences subfolder under Vixen.


Thanks Don:

Version 0L will now process the Vixen Profile if you are not working with a flattened vix file.

I also found a fixed a ramp up from zero Vixen conversion I did not like.

Remember - there is a "Do I Have The Latest HLS" menu selection under FILE - so you can see if you are working with the latest.

Remember - there is a "Do I Have The Latest HLS" menu selection under FILE - so you can see if you are working with the latest.

Vixen has an auto-update checkbox in its config options. Maybe it would be useful to have a "Check for Newer Version" option for HLS also, since it is currently changing frequently. This option would give a notification if there is a later version, but the user could also turn it off if they specifically did not want to check.

(sorry to be adding to your Feature Creep)

Vixen has an auto-update checkbox in its config options. Maybe it would be useful to have a "Check for Newer Version" option for HLS also, since it is currently changing frequently. This option would give a notification if there is a later version, but the user could also turn it off if they specifically did not want to check.

(sorry to be adding to your Feature Creep)


There already is --- under FILE - see the post just above yours where I recommend using it.

Thanks for bringing it up again.

I elected to have you decide when to check instead of it automatically happening because during Beta phase, I update very often.

Once HLS settles down - I will convert to automatic.

Few questions if I may....
1. The Vixen conversion, does this work for 3.0?
2. Are there any plans to add more effects such as spin, twinkle and chase?

The audio visualizer is awsome and really helps but it would be nice for a newbie like me to have these options to sequence my songs. Please don't take this as an ungrateful request as I understand you are providing this for free, just some feedback.
I have updated HLS to version 0N.

Please make sure you use this version - it addresses two issues that were found.

I had some debugging code left in which ignored the first 186 channels.



Note: Jon has Updated the Manual - you can acquire it from the download site
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