Renard in Xlights


New member
So my display is across multiple houses. Still using 96 channels of Renard along with all the pixels. First year using xlights, and I can't figure out how to set these up in the preview. I know I need to add a channel group, but how do I keep those seperated in the preview so I can spread the channels out, and not have them linked together? Add group 1 channel at a time?

I do Renard in my Xlights, but I don't quite understand the question? You don't necessarily need to use the Channel Block model; although I like it. You can use Single String, and so long as it's Single Color and Renard protocol, it's good to go. You just need to allocate a channel for it in the Controller Visualizer.
I also have 70 plus Renard channels. I do not quite understand question either but I still reserve the first universe for AC channels and use DMX firmware on my Renard Plus boards. Then I use the Renard output on my BBB 16 or PB 16 controller to run my Renards.
In the Layout they are just models just like any other. I do have them all grouped together as AC Lights just for convenience and easy to use.
Trying single line and it still wants to reserve 3 channels, even with the node set to 1, 100 lights per string, renard protocol.
I use custom models for my single channel renard props, like deer and angels. Just as the others said, the control connection should be set to protocol = renard and then set the renard channel to a specific number for the channel, like 10 or whatever prop or lighting your representing. Then open string properties and set single color and set the color you want for that channel of lights.

Here is an example of my angel, maybe this will help.

Renard Example.png
3 channels tells me a setting is still set to RGB. You have one node, 100 lights on that node, but that node is RGB and do it's 3 channels. That RGB setting needs to change to single color.