Nutcracker - RGB Sequence Builder

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What is Nutcracker?

Nutcracker is a web based RGB Sequence builder designed and built by Sean Meighan (smeighan) in the Spring of 2012. It it a software tool that allows users to create sequences on target RGB objects.

Using Nutcracker

The tool begins with a Target Generator that is a combination of input forms that request specific user information about the shape the user wants to model (Megatree, Matrix, etc...) and details about the lights and their layout on the shape. The second part of the tool is an Effects Generator that allows the user to apply effects various effects (Spirals, Text,Snowflakes, Meteors, Garlands, Butterfly, etc...) to the Target Shape you had generated in the 1st step. The tool then builds a mathematical model for the Target and the Effects. It displays an animated gif for the user to preview. The next step is for user to create export files from Nutcracker to import into Sequencing software on their PC.

Importing Nutcracker Files to Sequencing software

  1. Vixen 2.1 sequencer files
  2. LOR S2 (*.lms) sequencer files
  3. LOR S2 (*.lcb) sequencer files
  4. LSP 2.0 sequencer files (Not yet implemented)
  5. LOR S3 sequencer files (Not yet implemented)
  6. HLS sequencer files (this is still a prototype)


Main Nutcracker Page


  1. Introduction to Nutcracker
  2. Creating a target model
  3. Creating a target model (continued)
  4. Creating an Effect
  5. Creating an Effect (continued)
  6. Exporting your sequence

Other Software Tools

RGB Pixel Tree 3D Plugin was developed by Emmanuel Miranda (nuelemma) This tool allows the user to create a profile in Vixen 2.1 of all of the channels needed for a RGB Pixel Megaree and also creates a 3D Priview model. The software can be downloaded here
A demonstration of the tool in use is here