DIYC Flood

Revision as of 23:28, 7 August 2011 by Jklingert (talk | contribs)
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DIYC Flood


What is the DIYC Flood?

The DIYC Flood is a four channel LED based floodlight designed for RGB+W lighting. It makes use of inexpensive piranha style LEDs. The use of temperature compensated constant current LED drivers allows the floodlight to operate across a wide range of temperatures and voltages.

How does the DIYC Flood work?

The DIYC Flood was designed to be used primarily as a RGB+W floodlight. The PCB was designed to allow 4 channels to be switched on/off and dimmed by switching the negative terminals for the respective channels. It provides a common V+ across all of the channels. Each of the 4 channels are switched on by switching the V- power to ground.

The DIYC Flood is designed to provide a better and more stable LED experience by using constant current LED driver. The Supertex CL2 device provides a constant 20ma thru the LEDs.

The basic design is an array of clusters of 3 LEDs connected thru the constant current device to the power.

Revision History

The v1b version is currently the only version of the DIYC Flood in production.

DIYC Flood (v1b) Parts

In addition to the PCB, you will need the following components:


Mouser BOM
Mouser PNDescriptionQty
689-CL2N3-GLED Drivers 90V 20mA Temp Comp20
651-1727078Fixed Terminal Blocks 8P 3.81mm 90DEG1


The design calls for 60 Piranha Style Super flux LEDs. These LEDs are single color 20ma parts. The Flood is designed to use 15 Red,15 Blue, 15 Green and 15 White LEDs.


The DIYC Flood needs to be placed in a housing for display. The small design of the pcb allows it to fit in many common waterproof housings. A common Halogen floodlight fixture can be purchased at most hardware stores.

Building the DIYC Flood


Congratulations! That completes the construction of the DIYC Flood!



Final Testing


Mounting in Housing


Power Requirements

The DIYC Flood is optimally driven by 12vdc, but it can be driven by 12-24vdc. The design draws approximately 100ma per channel (400ma total). It is not recommended to use 24vdc if you are planning to use these as a full-time ON flood. The constant current regulators get pretty warm (about 200degF or 95degC) but are still within spec - but not by much. At 12v full on, they run at about 120degF or only just warm to the touch. When tested with a "typical" sequence (looping - never all off) of single/multiple/all color fades and on/offs at 24.5vdc and again, everything ran just warm.

Controlling the DIYC Flood

The unit can be directly connected to a 12vdc power supply and act as a constant floodlight. The DIYC can also be driven by a variety of controllers. The Ren4Flood was specifically designed to connect directly to the back of the DIYC Flood in the same housing and provide RENard/DMX control directly at the floodlight. Other DC controllers may be used, examples of these are the Frank's Ren24LV, a Ren64XC with DCSSRs and the Ren48LSD. The Ren64XC/DCSSR combination will work as well but it's a more expensive, larger and more cumbersome configuration to use but if you are driving other higher current DC devices, it can work fine.



The PCBs for the DIYC Flood were designed by Brian Ullmark (budude). The PCB was designed to allow users to home etch the board. The layout can be found here.

Design Options

Users can substitute any color LEDs based on their design.
You can omit the terminal block and solder the power wires directly to the PCB.
At the risk to the LEDs, it is possible to substitute a fixed value resistor for the Supertex CL2 constant current device.

Other Information

DIYC Flood Discussion Threads

Initial Thread
Interest Thread
2011 Group Buy
