Audacity Beat and Bar Track Addin for Vixen 2.5


New member

I am one of the developers on Vixen 3 and we have a nice feature that allows for the importing of Audacity beat tracks into a sequence. The beat and bar tracks are genereated by using the Queen Mary VAMP Plugins. I thought that this would be a nice feature to have in Vixen 2.5, so I spent some time crating it. It is a little rough, but seems to work. It was a little different working with 2.5 versus 3.0 since I had to work on a fixed grid but I think it is pretty close. I used some of the features from Jonathan's Tap Temp and some of the features from the Mark Collection in Vixen 3.

Anyway, it seems to work. I have attached it so give it a try and let me know what you think.

The information on Vamp Plugins is found here.
I used the Queen Mary Plugin set found here.




    34.7 KB · Views: 255
I need an "auto-sequencer" added that reads my mind as to what I want and then auto creates it... Can you get right on that?? ;-)
I need an "auto-sequencer" added that reads my mind as to what I want and then auto creates it... Can you get right on that?? ;-)
dang i just got done writing that program, but i dident think anyone else would like it so i deleted it as it was taking 100kb of my disk space, oh well
Not yet, but I can work on that conversion, shouldn't be much, just make some minor changes to the addin class. I will try and have it out later this weekend.

thanks this would be great...would it be a plugin or would we have to download a different version of vixen 2.1 ?
I just tested the the addin that I wrote for 2.5. It works fine in 2.1, just add the dlls into the addins directory and you should be able to use it.

Great news! This was going to be my first question when I saw this was posted for 2.5.

I'll give it a shot tonight in V2.1 and V+!
Either I picked a bad song, or I'm not doing something right. I just get very random beat marks all over the place.

I've never used a beat/bar marker in any sequencer before, so is there any good "howto" on what to do with this? I was hoping it would give me good timing marks for a song quickly/easily, but when previewing the beats, it appears to be all but random.
Either I picked a bad song, or I'm not doing something right. I just get very random beat marks all over the place.

I've never used a beat/bar marker in any sequencer before, so is there any good "howto" on what to do with this? I was hoping it would give me good timing marks for a song quickly/easily, but when previewing the beats, it appears to be all but random.

I assume that you loaded the Vamp plugins and have Audacity working. so here is how it would work.

Here is a wiki page no how to create a label track in Audacity, it is for HLS but this part is the same.

Here is some more information on how to do the same

Here is how I do it.
Open mp3 in audacity and use analyze -> bar and beat tracker: beats...
Select 4 beats/bar and hit ok
Labels are created and track name is "Bar and Beat Tracker: Beats...
I click file-> export labels
I'm then given a file save window where it automatically wants to save the file as labels.txt

Once this is done I open up Vixen and load the sequence that I want.
I select the Addin 'Audacity beat Track'
Select the type of beat 'Bars or Beats'
Import the Beat Marks.
Set the Events/Beat to 8 then select Calculate BPM.
I then see the Marks on the right, which is just an indicator that they were loaded.
I then select to either Update the Event Period to match the calculated one, or leave it alone.
I then select to Insert Beats on the number of channels that are indicated.
I then select the channels that I want for the beats
Select Okay and the sequence is updated.

I have attached a picture of the Addin and a picture of a sequence with the beat tracks.

If this doesn't work, send me you mp3 and sequence and I will see what I come up with.


  • sequence with beat track.jpg
    sequence with beat track.jpg
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  • Audacity Addin.jpg
    Audacity Addin.jpg
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I have made some updates to the Addin to keep it in sync somewhat with what we are doing on V3.

I changed the following:
1. Added the ability to use the standard Audacity beat finder files.
2. Flattened the VAMP beat track into a single track so that all beats are on one channel
3. I bring in the sequence event setting so that the user can see what is currently selected and if they want to use the calculated event setting
4. You no longer selecte multiple channels for the beats just a single channel.
5. The addin will use the calculated event period if you select 'Update Event period' or it will use the sequence setting.

I know that the beats may get off in time since a calculation is being performed on where to insert the beat in the sequence based on the time of the beat and the event ms timing, but for the most part it is pretty close.

Let me know if anybody needs it to do something different, I know it is helping me on my sequencing.


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