Glow with *OUR* Show and MSP430G2553 discussion

Depends at what level do you want to understand how to control the GwtS items. How comfortable are you working with programming code and some very light electronics? The common way of doing this is with an Arduino Uno along with an LED and resistor (and some wires) and using MaterDaddy's library. From there you can send a command to change the colors. After that it gets a little more involved. The main focus of this thread is learning how to integrate them into their Christmas light show so it's about getting timings and such correct and getting your stuff to talk with each other and getting your signal to reach farther. Some people have posted their findings about what certain commands do but some are very guarded about what they find so you may need to do your own research if you want to get deeper into understanding how an effect is done.

Another way to go instead of an Arduino is with a programmable universal remote (like for your tv/media center) but to me that's a little meh and you may have a bit more work getting stuff working right.

Good luck!

Thanks for the reply, you saved me from reading pages of posts :) I was up to Page 18.

I've been a software developer for 20+ years but mostly C# these days. Since that's in my wheel house I'd like to use either a NetDuino or a Raspberry Pi 2 b with Win 10 on it since I already have both of those.

I'm not a hardware guy per say but can solder and assemble with no problems and have done some breadboarding of stuff.

Is it just a matter of the IR LED's with low resistors to do the transmitting. I was thinking having a receiver would be handy as well where I could use the wand and point it as the receiver and record the commands from it to help figure things out.

But yes ultimatly would like to be able to blast IR from my show to anyone with Disney stuff. Being in Florida the probability of visitors with the stuff is higher then those out of state I would think.

If you could just point me at suitable IR LED and Receiver I should consider the other parts I should be able to figure out from the Netduino forms as well as what as been posted here. Might even take a look at the libarary to see if I can convert it to a .NET version.

I think ultimatly what I would like to see is either Vixen/XLights/FPP be able to send TCP/IP wired/wireless commands to the IR transmitter so that you could easly encorporate it into your show.
I think ultimatly what I would like to see is either Vixen/XLights/FPP be able to send TCP/IP wired/wireless commands to the IR transmitter so that you could easly encorporate it into your show.

Look no further:!

With Mousie's help, I've re-written some code locally for my IR transmitter and it seems the reliability went up, but still not anywhere near 100%. I also see that setting both color1 and color2 to white causes the ears to stop responding for a little bit. I brought a handful of things to the San Diego Maker Faire this year and I think the one thing that got asked about the most were the ears and I didn't even have them working, I simply had a set of them out on the table in case I had time to tinker with them then.

EDIT: I also have a summary of good posts within this thread and other details of my build here:
Look no further:!

With Mousie's help, I've re-written some code locally for my IR transmitter and it seems the reliability went up, but still not anywhere near 100%. I also see that setting both color1 and color2 to white causes the ears to stop responding for a little bit. I brought a handful of things to the San Diego Maker Faire this year and I think the one thing that got asked about the most were the ears and I didn't even have them working, I simply had a set of them out on the table in case I had time to tinker with them then.

EDIT: I also have a summary of good posts within this thread and other details of my build here:

Very cool but still would like to see if I can use C# and .NET on a Netduino to make this happen but just seening some of the posts I think does help me get started. Just need to order a few IR LED's and a receiver as well. Any recommendations on that?
Some theoretical and philosophical pondering ahead. You've been warned. ;)

Who'd have imagined when this thread started so long ago that it'd still be active today with 424 (opps, 425 now) posts?! Certainly not I, and I started the thread! :)

While the knowledge discovered and shared has been great, we've been rehashing, for the most part, a lot of the codes that were originally discovered a while back - sorry, flame bait, I know.

I've been thinking about how to advance this to the next level and since most of us that have pursued this seriously have been able to gain control of our ears and make them bend to our will, we've all encountered challenges with reliability and glitching when comparing what we've sequenced and what the ears are actually doing. Some is attributable to timing, some to IR LED power and some to other factors but I think the next evolution of the home brew GwtS comes with utilizing the codes more than we have to date. This means using fades from one color to the next, forward error correction using the timing codes that have been posted and discussed here, and resending of forward error correction data repeatedly until the time when the 'event' is set to occur/transition on the ears themselves. When thinking about how to accomplish this, I keep coming back to the same solution. A GtwS compiler.

The idea is fairly straightforward, where I start to get hung up is in the best approach for implementation. To compile codes for a song/show sequence we'd have to know what we want the ears to do in advance. Easy enough, I figure that we'd sequence our ears (one 'pixel' model for each of the two ears) as we'd normally sequence any other model/display element in xlights/HLS/Vixen/etc. Then, something that could read at least one of these sequence types (there only needs to be one since xlights can convert between sequencer file formats) would then encode this into a GwtS code stream - and since it could see what colors were coming up in the next 50, 100, 200, 500ms then it could then sub in fade codes, forward error correction and some of the other higher level codes that have been discussed here. Then we'd need to somehow get this sequence of GwtS codes back into the main show sequence that drives our pixels, Renard channels and other display elements. The best option I've come up with for this is utilizing FPP and either the event code or treating these channels as a matrix from FPP's perspective and then playing a sequence for everything but the GwtS codes as we normally would and then using the memory mapped output to send the compiled GwtS codes to the ears.

This is pretty much pure thoughts streamed into a post without much editing/filtering as I've been thinking about this for a while now but I think it's enough to get the idea across. So with that, what do you guys think?


Thanks everyone in this thread for the work that they've done.

I stumbled upon this thread because of a desire to control my Diamond Celebration ears.
I had an idea to use the IR blaster on the galaxy phones to control the ears and decided execute on it earlier this year.
My siblings had a Galaxy S5, so I can use it for researching and developing!

After reading through this thread and figuring out the relationships between the hex codes and the timings,
I wrote this code to converts the hex code to the IR timing for the Android IR API.
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Joni, that sounds like a good idea and I follow you. How it gets there, I don't know.

Davee, Thanks for sharing that with us!
I was thinking about the fade issue and i'm not sure if this would work at all or how exactly to code it. What about some simple intelligence written into Materdaddy's library that when it detects any RGB value for that ear (left or right) decreasing/increasing at a certain rate it then adds the appropriate fade up/down bytes to the ear transmission. I have GWTS ears programmed through Vixen and E1.31 and everything is color changes or alternating colors only. For example, lets say we had both ears red and we wanted to fade that out to black. We could read the byte values and each time through the loop detect if the new value is within say 5 of the previous value. That would add one to a counter. If that happened say 3 more times, we could assume we wanted a fade and then the next time through the loop it would add the fade out command to the color sequence. The same would happen if we wanted to fade up.
I thought I would share, Last year I took a capture board to one of the shows and recorded a bunch of events to an SD card. See Attached. We are going back in January this year, and If I can find my code for the capture board, I will record what I Can again.

One More note: Format: Date Time:Tick Timer Time:Recorded sequence.


  • MRDF0007.TXT
    195.9 KB · Views: 31
  • MRDF0008.TXT
    65.9 KB · Views: 15
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I managed to make it to the final season of the Osborne Family Spectacle of Dancing Lights at Hollywood Studios. While there I recorded 9 out of the 11 songs that have been coded for Made With Magic devices. The Ones caught include:

The two I didn't see/catch while there are:

For the full write up, check out That site isn't really ready for visitors, yet. But this information wouldn't be very helpful if put off until March. So have at it. Hopefully, some of that info may help some of you with your displays this year (or next).
I saw in Episode 3 of this year's Great Christmas Light Fight that the Jeater Bend neighborhood incorporated MWM tech into their shows. Anyone know how they managed to do so and what strategy they adopted for sending the MWM signals? I did a quick Google search and didn't find anything.

I know the guy from Jester Bend. He saw my videos for doing GWTS to
Christmas Lights, and I shared with him my process. It was done using an iTach to send the ir signal, then a perl script that would read in an audacity based label file, and construct the GWTS pulses.
Thanks for sharing that info! Your setup looks like a good one.

In the video, it shows them standing in the middle of the street and receiving the IR signals. That's pretty good distance. It also shows them getting coverage up and down their block.

Are the iTach IR blasters that good/powerful? I guess the other question is - are you locked into using the iTach IR blaster units if you buy the IR2IR units or can other blasters be substituted? Reading their product info I can't tell. Their extended range IR blaster looks to be a bit pricey for what it appears to be. Hard to tell from the pics/write ups.
Very nice writeups and videos! i'm not seeing a link to pull down though. Do you have that posted somewhere as well?



So they used the iTach's, but created a more powerful, homemade, IR emitters to get better range. Below is the information that I gave them.

Programming Glow With The Show Ears :

Some notes:
GWTS protocol notes:
iTach notes:
So they used the iTach's, but created a more powerful, homemade, IR emitters to get better range. Below is the information that I gave them.

Programming Glow With The Show Ears :

Some notes:
GWTS protocol notes:
iTach notes:


I was wondering if there was a way to use the iTach IP2IR to control the GWTS ears via FPP.


jstorms, I too would like to see the perl script for potential inclusion into FPP.

What IR blaster do you use from the 1:3 port? I presume you're not using a tiny IR emitter that came with the IP2IR that is most likely intended for use inside in close proximity to an AV system/tv/etc.


I was wondering if there was a way to use the iTach IP2IR to control the GWTS ears via FPP.



Not yet... I'm just getting back to this thread and am very interested. I will look at what it takes to get this added at some point, especially if somebody wants to send me donations for the IP2IR... ;)

I grabbed one of the IP2IR's with some birthday money. When I married I inherited 3 grand kids. They already have some GWTS gear so I thought it would be a cool thing have in next years show. Let me play with it for a week or two and well meet up and I'll loan it to you for awhile so you can work some magic. Any ideas on making an IR sensor with more muscle power?

Here are some GWTS codes:

off: 93 48 82 0E 1D 94
roff (right only): 93 48 82 0E 9D 18

Just Colors

green: 92 48 82 62 95
rgreen (right only): 92 48 82 6A 57
pink: 92 48 82 65 16
rpink (right only): 92 48 82 6D D4
white: 92 48 82 67 AA
rwhite (right only): 92 48 82 6F 68
blue: 92 48 82 61 77
rblue (right only): 92 48 82 69 B5
red: 92 48 82 64 48
rred (right only): 92 48 82 6C 8A
cyan: 92 48 82 63 CB
rcyan (right only): 92 48 82 6B 09
yellow: 92 48 82 66 F4
ryellow (right only): 92 48 82 6E 36

Extended colors (selected)

lavender: 93 48 82 0E 06 29
rlavender (right only): 93 48 82 0E 86 A5
lightseagreen: 93 48 82 0E 17 EA
rlightseagreen (right only): 93 48 82 0E 97 66
coolwhite: 93 48 82 0E 00 F4
rcoolwhite (right only): 93 48 82 0E 80 78
purple: 93 48 82 0E 08 36
rpurple (right only): 93 48 82 0E 88 BA
orange: 93 48 82 0E 14 08
rorange (right only): 93 48 82 0E 94 84
lightgreen: 93 48 82 0E 1A 17
rlightgreen (right only): 93 48 82 0E 9A 9B
brightpink: 93 48 82 0E 0C 57
rbrightpink (right only): 93 48 82 0E 8C DB
seagreen: 93 48 82 0E 18 AB
rseagreen (right only): 93 48 82 0E 98 27
lightpurple: 93 48 82 0E 07 77
rlightpurple (right only): 93 48 82 0E 87 FB
powderblue: 93 48 82 0E 02 48
rpowderblue (right only): 93 48 82 0E 82 C4
lightorange: 93 48 82 0E 10 69
rlightorange (right only): 93 48 82 0E 90 E5
lime: 93 48 82 0E 19 F5
rlime (right only): 93 48 82 0E 99 79

Both ears pulse (fade up/fade down) together

Speed normal [0x07]
red_normal_pulse: 99 26 64 6C D1 42 07 20 D0 32 F0 11
red-pink_normal_pulse: 99 26 64 6D D1 42 07 20 D0 32 F0 52
blue_normal_pulse: 99 26 61 69 D1 42 07 20 D0 32 F0 41
green_normal_pulse: 99 26 62 6A D1 42 07 20 D0 32 F0 71
cyan_normal_pulse: 99 26 63 6B D1 42 07 20 D0 32 F0 96
pink_normal_pulse: 99 26 65 6D D1 42 07 20 D0 32 F0 F6
yellow_normal_pulse: 99 26 66 6E D1 42 07 20 D0 32 F0 C6
white_normal_pulse: 99 26 67 6F D1 42 07 20 D0 32 F0 21
red-white_normal_pulse: 99 26 64 6F D1 42 07 20 D0 32 F0 D4
blue-green_normal_pulse: 99 26 61 6A D1 42 07 20 D0 32 F0 84
blue-white_normal_pulse: 99 26 61 6F D1 42 07 20 D0 32 F0 D2
blue-yellow_normal_pulse: 99 26 61 6E D1 42 07 20 D0 32 F0 91
blue-cyan_normal_pulse: 99 26 61 6B D1 42 07 20 D0 32 F0 C7
red-yellow_normal_pulse: 99 26 64 6E D1 42 07 20 D0 32 F0 97
pink-cyan_normal_pulse: 99 26 65 6B D1 42 07 20 D0 32 F0 65
red-blue_normal_pulse: 99 26 64 69 D1 42 07 20 D0 32 F0 47

Speed fast [0x02]
red_fast_pulse: 99 26 64 6C D1 42 02 20 D0 32 F0 C3
red-pink_fast_pulse: 99 26 64 6D D1 42 02 20 D0 32 F0 80
blue_fast_pulse: 99 26 61 69 D1 42 02 20 D0 32 F0 93
green_fast_pulse: 99 26 62 6A D1 42 02 20 D0 32 F0 A3
cyan_fast_pulse: 99 26 63 6B D1 42 02 20 D0 32 F0 44
pink_fast_pulse: 99 26 65 6D D1 42 02 20 D0 32 F0 24
yellow_fast_pulse: 99 26 66 6E D1 42 02 20 D0 32 F0 14
white_fast_pulse: 99 26 67 6F D1 42 02 20 D0 32 F0 F3
red-white_fast_pulse: 99 26 64 6F D1 42 02 20 D0 32 F0 06
blue-green_fast_pulse: 99 26 61 6A D1 42 02 20 D0 32 F0 56
blue-white_fast_pulse: 99 26 61 6F D1 42 02 20 D0 32 F0 00
blue-yellow_fast_pulse: 99 26 61 6E D1 42 02 20 D0 32 F0 43
blue-cyan_fast_pulse: 99 26 61 6B D1 42 02 20 D0 32 F0 15
red-yellow_fast_pulse: 99 26 64 6E D1 42 02 20 D0 32 F0 45
pink-cyan_fast_pulse: 99 26 65 6B D1 42 02 20 D0 32 F0 B7
red-blue_fast_pulse: 99 26 64 69 D1 42 02 20 D0 32 F0 95

Speed slow [0x03]
red_slow_pulse: 99 26 64 6C D1 42 03 20 D0 32 F0 0E
red-pink_slow_pulse: 99 26 64 6D D1 42 03 20 D0 32 F0 4D
blue_slow_pulse: 99 26 61 69 D1 42 03 20 D0 32 F0 5E
green_slow_pulse: 99 26 62 6A D1 42 03 20 D0 32 F0 6E
cyan_slow_pulse: 99 26 63 6B D1 42 03 20 D0 32 F0 89
pink_slow_pulse: 99 26 65 6D D1 42 03 20 D0 32 F0 E9
yellow_slow_pulse: 99 26 66 6E D1 42 03 20 D0 32 F0 D9
white_slow_pulse: 99 26 67 6F D1 42 03 20 D0 32 F0 3E
red-white_slow_pulse: 99 26 64 6F D1 42 03 20 D0 32 F0 CB
blue-green_slow_pulse: 99 26 61 6A D1 42 03 20 D0 32 F0 9B
blue-white_slow_pulse: 99 26 61 6F D1 42 03 20 D0 32 F0 CD
blue-yellow_slow_pulse: 99 26 61 6E D1 42 03 20 D0 32 F0 8E
blue-cyan_slow_pulse: 99 26 61 6B D1 42 03 20 D0 32 F0 D8
red-yellow_slow_pulse: 99 26 64 6E D1 42 03 20 D0 32 F0 88
pink-cyan_slow_pulse: 99 26 65 6B D1 42 03 20 D0 32 F0 7A
red-blue_slow_pulse: 99 26 64 69 D1 42 03 20 D0 32 F0 58

Speed flash [0x01]
red_flash_pulse: 99 26 64 6C D1 42 01 20 D0 32 F0 8D
red-pink_flash_pulse: 99 26 64 6D D1 42 01 20 D0 32 F0 CE
blue_flash_pulse: 99 26 61 69 D1 42 01 20 D0 32 F0 DD
green_flash_pulse: 99 26 62 6A D1 42 01 20 D0 32 F0 ED
cyan_flash_pulse: 99 26 63 6B D1 42 01 20 D0 32 F0 0A
pink_flash_pulse: 99 26 65 6D D1 42 01 20 D0 32 F0 6A
yellow_flash_pulse: 99 26 66 6E D1 42 01 20 D0 32 F0 5A
white_flash_pulse: 99 26 67 6F D1 42 01 20 D0 32 F0 BD
red-white_flash_pulse: 99 26 64 6F D1 42 01 20 D0 32 F0 48
blue-green_flash_pulse: 99 26 61 6A D1 42 01 20 D0 32 F0 18
blue-white_flash_pulse: 99 26 61 6F D1 42 01 20 D0 32 F0 4E
blue-yellow_flash_pulse: 99 26 61 6E D1 42 01 20 D0 32 F0 0D
blue-cyan_flash_pulse: 99 26 61 6B D1 42 01 20 D0 32 F0 5B
red-yellow_flash_pulse: 99 26 64 6E D1 42 01 20 D0 32 F0 0B
pink-cyan_flash_pulse: 99 26 65 6B D1 42 01 20 D0 32 F0 F9
red-blue_flash_pulse: 99 26 64 69 D1 42 01 20 D0 32 F0 DB

Ears pulse (fade up/fade down) alternating from one ear to the next

red_normal_altpulse: 9D 24 58 F0 48 04 59 01 48 84 D0 3D 02 64 6C 8D
red-pink_normal_altpulse: 9D 24 58 F0 48 04 59 01 48 84 D0 3D 02 64 6D D3
blue_normal_altpulse: 9D 24 58 F0 48 04 59 01 48 84 D0 3D 02 61 69 4D
green_normal_altpulse: 9D 24 58 F0 48 04 59 01 48 84 D0 3D 02 62 6A FA
cyan_normal_altpulse: 9D 24 58 F0 48 04 59 01 48 84 D0 3D 02 63 6B 60
pink_normal_altpulse: 9D 24 58 F0 48 04 59 01 48 84 D0 3D 02 65 6D 17
yellow_normal_altpulse: 9D 24 58 F0 48 04 59 01 48 84 D0 3D 02 66 6E A0
white_normal_altpulse: 9D 24 58 F0 48 04 59 01 48 84 D0 3D 02 67 6F 3A
red-white_normal_altpulse: 9D 24 58 F0 48 04 59 01 48 84 D0 3D 02 64 6F 6F
blue-green_normal_altpulse: 9D 24 58 F0 48 04 59 01 48 84 D0 3D 02 61 6A AF
blue-white_normal_altpulse: 9D 24 58 F0 48 04 59 01 48 84 D0 3D 02 61 6F 90
blue-yellow_normal_altpulse: 9D 24 58 F0 48 04 59 01 48 84 D0 3D 02 61 6E CE
blue-cyan_normal_altpulse: 9D 24 58 F0 48 04 59 01 48 84 D0 3D 02 61 6B F1
red-yellow_normal_altpulse: 9D 24 58 F0 48 04 59 01 48 84 D0 3D 02 64 6E 31
pink-cyan_normal_altpulse: 9D 24 58 F0 48 04 59 01 48 84 D0 3D 02 65 6B CA
red-blue_normal_altpulse: 9D 24 58 F0 48 04 59 01 48 84 D0 3D 02 64 69 B2

red_strobe: 98 24 0D 64 6C 48 10 15 42 08 B1
red-pink_strobe: 98 24 0D 64 6D 48 10 15 42 08 86
blue_strobe: 98 24 0D 61 69 48 10 15 42 08 93
green_strobe: 98 24 0D 62 6A 48 10 15 42 08 8D
cyan_strobe: 98 24 0D 63 6B 48 10 15 42 08 87
pink_strobe: 98 24 0D 65 6D 48 10 15 42 08 BB
yellow_strobe: 98 24 0D 66 6E 48 10 15 42 08 A5
white_strobe: 98 24 0D 67 6F 48 10 15 42 08 AF
red-white_strobe: 98 24 0D 64 6F 48 10 15 42 08 E8
blue-green_strobe: 98 24 0D 61 6A 48 10 15 42 08 CA
blue-white_strobe: 98 24 0D 61 6F 48 10 15 42 08 21
blue-yellow_strobe: 98 24 0D 61 6E 48 10 15 42 08 16
blue-cyan_strobe: 98 24 0D 61 6B 48 10 15 42 08 FD
red-yellow_strobe: 98 24 0D 64 6E 48 10 15 42 08 DF
pink-cyan_strobe: 98 24 0D 65 6B 48 10 15 42 08 09
red-blue_strobe: 98 24 0D 64 69 48 10 15 42 08 5A