Nutcracker: What effects would you like to see?

O.K. I think it's time to bring this one up. After viewing the last tutorial on pictures and text, I would like to see a control bar added. I see a horizontal bar that pivots in the middle. You grab one end (or the other) and pivot the direction of the picture or text. This would allow angled text or picture from one corner to the opposite corner (moving left,right, up, down, or none). With none you can tilt the picture or text (pivot on the center of the target (unless slid up, down, left, right by current sliders). Maybe I should say pivot from the center of the effect to any angle you want. What do you think Sean?

Thanks for all the work. You make RGB easy.

Nutcracker running with xlights makes a very good DIY store sign. Need a time and temp output, settle for the computer time.

A water and electricity effect would be cool, if you are still looking for ideas.
i would like to see a way to get full sequence from another member already made as it used to be in nut 2 like a library i guess .... thanks
I'd like to see just basic vertical bars for mega trees, from left to right or right to left. With a slide bar for speed, fade out, fade in, and color. Would make converting from my incand sequence to pixel fairly easy. Great for newbies making the switch.

+1 on the library
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I would like to see single strand effects. These be powerful for outlines. And also to run a bunch of RGB spot lights in a group with cool color effects .
I'd like to see customizable star patterns.
as well as that button you mentioned to import the txt (markup) files from audacity.
I explain how to take the timings and edit a file, Keebler is asking for a button to load the file.

I have an alternate method for you all.

If you login to http:/nutcracker123/nutcracker and go to xmas_songs, I am writing the nutcracker xml files for you.

Code is still under development but should be done later tonight. You will see I have marched up a dozen songs.

I'll do more, soon 20-30 songs will have the music phrases marked.

This is the process

1) create a blank sequence from your mp3 file.
2) insert one row
3) save your file

4) download the xml file that matches your song from the web page. Edit the model name from "MTREE" to whatever model u use, save this on top of your xml file.

Example: you have a wizards.mp3, after you save one line you. Will also have a wizards.xml
You download the xml file from nutcracker123 called 1.xml. Eit this file change the model name and store it on top of wizards.xml.

You now have a wizards sequence with all music phrases shown.
I was working on WOW and i came across an idea.

how hard would it be to add a CHASE feature?. like in my case i have 9 - 10 trees in my yard, there are several places id like to chase the lights during the "mark up phrase", but in xlights that is not an option.

in the chase feature, allow the user to assign several "models" in which they can chase. it would be REALLY cool to allow color control at each step. even adding multiple chases including control over direction, speed, etc.

any chance for that?
Dido on the chase feature. I had a line of lights along my roof last year, and one of the features was to chase lights all the way down the roof, from one color to the next. It would be nice to have a box instead of a slider to plug in say 88 lights, and then have them chase down the roof line, and sequence through the colors.
on what model? If you have a single strand, like eaves or aches, a spiral effect will create a chase.

Ifyou are talking about on a megatree can you include a link to a video that has the effect you imagine?
