Nutcracker: What effects would you like to see?

If you made a timing track of 100ms and stretched your text effect over 10 tics, that would be 1 second of effect. You can stretch your effect as long or as short as you like. Is that what you are looking for?
Sorry Gil, I was too late.
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Right but if I did merry Christmas I have to keep playing with it so it doesn't start the merry over agian. Would be really easy if it played once and stoped

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Another way to say it maybe...Would be nice if the speed related to the number of times the complete phrase covered the timing/pixels.

Looks like it might be harder than first imagined as the font comes into play as to how long it takes to move. It is not just a number but could be "any number".

Maybe another way to say it...we have a checkbox that stops it in the center. Can we have a check box that stops it after playing it?

Even that would be fantastic. Then you could add a curve to have it fade out with the words still on the screen

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Not sure if you want to call this an effect. but since ive been doing projector mapping it would be great to have the export house preview and be able to pick the export size or make it 1920x1080 like the pi likes to output.
Is there an official developer log I can lob this into? Quick Duck Duck Go search I didn't see it.

What I'd like to see is lessened sensitivity to mouse context changes (I don't know if this is the best summary, thus further description provided). For example, when working with the color curve popup and I'm modifying gradients, I have to work HARD to slide the existing pens, I constantly end up adding new black pens because of a last-millisecond switch of context from sliding to adding, which takes a 0.1 mm accidental move of the mouse. As I write I realize maybe I should try a breathing technique, like sucking in a full breath and holding before I press click.

I also have this dynamic when modifying the buffer layout in the layer settings (i.e. moving the entire box when what I want to do is resize from a corner), when doing precision work with effect start / end (I end up zooming in tons to make up for this).

I love the software, with just the surface I've scratched what it allows me to do, for free, is mind-boggling to the point of being otherworldly. This request is a "tax" I feel I'm paying heavily this year. My monitor is 4k now so the tax is worse (I run it at 150%, the extra screen real estate is too valuable to magnify further), but I've always had some issues with this as a 4-year user.

2) Another thing I run into all the time is effects not rerendering, particularly when applied to large groupings, particularly with the House Preview. I found Force Render this year and use that to compensate. I don't know what causes this. I clear the cache on occassion, doesn't do much usually.

3) A wipe effect that functions like Vixen 3, where a pulse can be swept across a variety of ways with a variety of easy fades. I've figured out some hacks but they are just that. A majority of the time I think the other way, I wish Vixen did "X" effect more like xLights.
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See the help menu in xlights to access the github issues repository. If you decide to raise issues please raise one per suggestion. If you raise multiple in one things can get ignored.