P10 help guide

thank you John! Cant wait to get them all up and running, waiting on hardware from Boscoyo,. they have been off for 2 weeks because of the holidays

one question, I have 4 panels setup in a rectangle 2x2 just to learn the ins and outs between FPP, Xlights and LOR and I notice a lot of lag at times when pixelation, is this caused by the Beagle bone, router or just lag cause theres a lot going on?

I run xlights to the beagle Bone on the p-10. That's 73,728 pixels ( 48 Panels) with no lag. I use Dan's method of flashing to the bones. I do not use a PI.
Like I said before the people on these boards got me up and running and I am forever grateful to everyone who helped me.

P.S. forget LOR. That will cause you lag as I tried everything to use LOR. LOR will not work with this many pixels
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i have the beagle bone in bridge mode so i can have xlights control it being i want to add video and effects in and out along with the songs

and yes, the forums are awesome, much help all around, so grateful for the guys here and on LOR forums
I cannot get my Eth0 to respond. My Beaglebone Black connects wireless to my router, can connect via USB to192.168.7.2. But no matter what I do it will not accept the E0 Ip config. Any ideas?
Hi everyone. To use a p10 1/2 scan module matrix, which adapter should I use.

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