RENESP Renard ESP8266 WiFi Adapter Group Buy for PCB and BOM

Darn! I came back to the Forum after a long absence, and just barely missed a particularly interesting group buy. I was just thinking that I'd like to put some Renard driven displays on the other side of the driveway, but didn't want to have to string cat-5 across the driveway itself.

So if anybody winds up with a couple more than they wanted (or even one), I'd be interested.

Everything is on order. I expect everything to arrive within 2 weeks, assuming the vendors ship as promised.
As with all my GB's I do order extras. So... if you missed it or need extras, contact me AFTER the GB is over.
Please put me down for one of the extra sets, if there are any, after the dust settles.
Enjoy the Holiday Season.


So, parts have started to arrive and I've begun the process of counting and packing.
Just waiting on a couple more items.
Only snafu so far is one vendor sent the wrong capacitors so I had to reorder those; but they are supposed to be here this week.

The capacitors came in today and are correct !
I have about 80% of the items sorted and in individual order bags.
I'm only waiting on one component and the FTDI adapters for those of you that ordered those.
Once the last item is here I should be able to start shipping orders for the ones that didn't order the adapter.

I believe I have everything and hope to have everything counted and to begin shipping Monday or Tuesday.
I will post again when packages begin to leave the house.
If you end up having any extra FTDI adaptors I would buy one or if you can head me in the right direction to get one I'd appreciate it
Thanks again for doing the group buy

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
I just saw this thread today and obviously missed the GB, If there are any extras I would be interested in a few to play around with.
Also, would need an FTDI adapter.

I have finished counting and bagging everyones order. Final step is to place it in envelopes/boxes, print the labels and mail. I hope to do that over the next two days.
I was a bit delayed in getting this out due to the fact I just got my show up and running this past Saturday.
Anyhow, I also thought it would be a good idea to make sure all of this went together okay, so I soldered up one of my Group Buy units and made the cable.
The board soldered up very easy and can be built in about 5 minutes.
Picture below. I will tell you that you have to be very careful putting the cable together correctly. Be sure to look at Bill's web blog for the detailed instructions.
Also, I would build ONE CABLE and test it before you build them all. The parts for the cable are very expensive and I won't have extras except for the cable itself. They are also made to be put together and not to be taken apart.
In fact, I think it's nearly impossible to take apart without breaking the plastic pieces.

Other notes:
I sourced the ESP module from a USA Seller, not China directly. I'm hoping this will lead to a better supported product.
As with all my group buys, there are extra pieces in everyones order. When ordering in bulk, I throw the extras in with the orders. This also includes the extra PCBs that my supplier routinely includes.
So, please don't ask me if I know how to count. :lol:
Once all the packages have shipped I will post again.

Click on the picture to enlarge:
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Any time frame for the next time you run these? Will it be added to the wiki in the near future? I am interested when you run the next buy
re: wiki... for now, check out Bills blog which is in the design thread as referenced in post 1.
Not sure about another run right now.
Any time frame for the next time you run these? Will it be added to the wiki in the near future? I am interested when you run the next buy