The State of Vixen

What's most important to you?

  • Scripted sequences

    Votes: 56 35.4%
  • Remote access (e.g. internet, local network)

    Votes: 60 38.0%
  • Triggers

    Votes: 49 31.0%
  • Dimming curves

    Votes: 63 39.9%
  • Inputs - recorded to a sequence

    Votes: 44 27.8%
  • Inputs - live execution

    Votes: 47 29.7%
  • Object models for developers

    Votes: 42 26.6%

  • Total voters


New member
Let me start by thanking everyone who's hung with Vixen over the past season or two. I know that a good number of people have defected to other applications, including paid-for applications, and I understand the desire to do so. Regular updates dropped off the face of the planet after the failed 2.5 release and it left some people wondering if I abandoned the project. Let me be perfectly clear...I did not, have not, and have no plans to abandon the project. One thing that 2.5 showed was that my policy of reckless patching needed to stop and a rewrite needed to happen. The application was getting into realms that it was not originally intended to do.

I started doing a rewrite from the ground up at some point in 2009. Since then, there have been about a dozen such rewrites until I got to what I felt was a good foundation that addressed architectural needs that were lacking. With that foundation now in place, version 3.0 is moving forward over the coming year, expanding upon Vixen's current capabilities and allowing for new ones.

I want to put initial focus on what's most important and useful to the people who use it, so I've started a poll and seeded it with some functionality that is present in 2.x. I'll add more items to the poll as needed, but this covers some of the bigger things the application does (or attempted to do) to give you an idea of what I'm looking for. I'm not trying to get "look and feel" concerns, that comes much later, but more of what the application does. Examples:

Variable playback speed

The placement of the toolbar buttons for playback speed

And let's get this question out of the way:
Question: "When will it be released?"
Answer: "Sometime next year. No date will be promised."

Okay, onto the poll. Feel free to choose multiple items.

P.S. Assume the scheduling and preview capabilities to be a given (and, yes, the preview will be replaced).

P.P.S. Some mediocre explanations, as requested:

Scripted sequences
One of the available sequence types, it gives you the ability to create a dynamic sequence using C# code.

Remote access
Using the existing Remote Client add-in, you can allow channel and sequence control by people over the internet. You can also do some limited editing of a sequence using a PDA (how 2000, I know) while you're walking around in your yard.

The act of triggering execution of a sequence by way of external hardware, generally. Useful in things like haunted houses.

Dimming curves
Not all light strings are created equal. In order to get a linear progression between 0% and 100% intensity, dimming curves allow you to say "when a channel is set to X%, I want it to actually output at Y%". That way, two strings that would otherwise have different intensities at X% can look reasonably the same.

Inputs - recorded to a sequence
A 2.5 construct that allowed for hardware (generally) to create sequence data. Examples would be joysticks and Wii guitars. The data they generate can be recorded to a sequence.

Inputs - live execution
The data generated by inputs can also be immediately sent to the controllers so, for example, pushing a button on a joystick results in a string of lights turning on.

Object models for developers
When you create a plugin, sometimes you want to interact with the application in a structured and predictable way that mimics how the application appears from a user's standpoint to get information and/or affect it somehow. This is going to be my worst explanation of any of this.
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Good to see you're still around KC! I was one of those that at least attempted to flee into the arms of another (so to speak) but I failed miserably and came back to good 'ol Vixen 2.1. I look forward to 3.0 in the future!
Okay, onto the poll. Feel free to choose multiple items.

P.S. Assume the scheduling and preview capabilities to be a given (and, yes, the preview will be replaced).

You may want to describe what some of these things are in a little more detail...I kinda voted on what I "thought" they meant.

Tony M.
Just a note. As a newb (what 1 week into this). I've been able to create a decent sequence with more trial by error vs watching any vids or anything. Now I'm computer and software literate so maybe that's it. But I like the software and some of the current features already make it straight forward enough to make a sequence. I still have to try some of the features I heard about today and I'm thinking anything you add will make it that much better..

Thanks btw, it really does make it easier for a newb to have a package like Vixen to play with!

One thing I'd love to see would be a time base corrector. For example, in videotape, to get a standard VHS or even home camcorder video to broadcast through a TV station, they use a time base corrector that essentially takes the video timing and adjusts it by expanding or contracting very tiny moments of time so that the frames can work with the professional broadcast equipment.

I'd love to be able to take a small subset of a sequence, say a ramp-up operation that takes 3 beats and simply select the "expand" time base option to paste it over a 6-beat section of pixels and have Vixen automatically adjust the individual pixel values accordingly (or vice-versa, of course, going from a 4-beat effect to a 3-beat effect).

This would be tremendously handy for taking a certain effect from one song that is one meter (such as 4/4) and pasting it into a song that has a 3/4 meter yet achive the same effect even though the amount of time the two songs take is different.

I know we can do this manually one channel at a time, but think of being able to take an effect that lasts 3 beats and you have 60 channels and want to paste it over a section that's 5 beats and in a different song.

I've been working with Vixen for 3 years now. Never put up a display and ran it through the paces, so I speak in a really non-experienced way. I'm going to try 2.5.8 this year, mostly due to what extra functionality it has in it. If I see if failing, I'll try and downgrade.

So far, I think I need to say you sound as though you feel 2.5 was a waste of time, but at this point, I must disagree. Maybe after next week, once I try putting it through the paces, I'll recant, but for now, it's a good piece of software. It makes sequencing a little easier than with the older version, so it has value.

One thing I hope for the 3.0 version is that system requirements don't change. Being a programmer by trade, I realize that newer releases of programming software will sometimes make it much easier to accomplish the desired results. But I run Windows 2000 on my computer, and newer releases of .Net are just not available. I would imagine I may be a loner or there are very few who are also using the older OS, but I use a dedicated machine for this, recycled from the trash bin at work, and can't justify the upgrade expense for something I may use for 1 month out of the year.

If at all possible, please keep the system requirement changes as minimal as possible. If you can express what might be expected to change as early as possible, I'd really like to hear about the new requirements to help me plan a new course to take.

Edit - After reading the descriptions, I'd also like to check the "Object Model for developers", but can't see how to modify my choices.

Thanks for such a great piece of work. Your time is truly appreciated.

Happy Holidays to you and to all.

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having bought a license for the opposition (I thought Vixen was Dead), I keep coming back to vixen for it simplicity of use.

To be honest, I don't understand what the options really mean to me, but what I really need is a way to cope with RGB colour mixing and chasing a number of channels mixing form one colour to another.

I won't vote until I know what the options mean.

Finally it would be wrong for me not to thank you for the effort to date, you came up with a brilliant product. Thank you for your continued support and I look forward to seeing the next generation of Vixen.
Hi KC,

Well I came from the LOR world back in March of this year and I have spent many many hours working on new projects that run on your creation and I plan on sticking with it. Your thought on Dimming Curves would very useful seeing that all lights are not created equal. Will you be offering any Beta testing on the Vixen 3.0 if so I would like to participate with that.

Thanks again
I don't use too many of the fancy features but might have a play with dimming curves next year.
I don't have any RGB at the moment but I will have a litlle bit next year and would like to see easy colour fades and mixes.

Edit: After just completing my setup for this year I have realised the re-order channels feature is a must. It is so easy to fix a simple setup error by moving the channel output.

I love Vixen. Keep up the great work KC

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Thanks again for all the work and dedication you've put into Vixen.

I know your frustrations trying to make a program thats well rounded to fit the desires of the client and still be both practical and functional.

Keep up the good work.

I'm always here to Alpha-test for you!
There have been some cool plugins for Vixen, some just recently released. I think 'object models' would get more votes if people were aware of how it is useful.
Glad to hear you're still here KC! Any news about Vixen 3 is good news. I've been using vixen since .91 (I still have all the old versions sitting on my HD) and aren't going anywhere.

If you need Alpha/beta testing, just holler.
But I run Windows 2000 on my computer, and newer releases of .Net are just not available. I would imagine I may be a loner or there are very few who are also using the older OS, but I use a dedicated machine for this, recycled from the trash bin at work, and can't justify the upgrade expense for something I may use for 1 month out of the year.

I was hoping to take the min requirements up to XP just because of issues that have arisen due to using 2k and 9x. I don't want to cause any added expense for anyone. I did take the application up to version 3.5 of the framework for a multitude of reasons and have been playing with 4.0 because of dynamic binding. I'm looking at the requirements matrix for the different versions right now and it looks like XP is the minimum for both of them. Sorry about that. We have a pretty large community here with an active economy, maybe someone can make you a deal?

And if people can't modify their poll choices then there goes my plans to update the poll as we go.

...but what I really need is a way to cope with RGB colour mixing and chasing a number of channels mixing form one colour to another.

RGB color mixing will be addressed with the implementation of multi-channel fixtures. As far as mixing goes, that would be an editor issue. However, an application-level module making use of the application's object model would be able to get access to the current selection in the sequence and...and much more will be possible.

...having bought a license for the opposition...

I'm not going to fault anyone for doing that. Like I've always said, go with what works for you. If it's Vixen, I consider it a personal compliment.

Will you be offering any Beta testing on the Vixen 3.0...

Yes...eventually. Before that, however, would be an extensive alpha cycle for the brave to work problems out of the core application. The difficulty is that it's hard to get a good amount of feedback during the off-season. People have lives.

I think 'object models' would get more votes if people were aware of how it is useful.

I'm sure someone else can explain this better than me. I'll try to use an example. An add-in is a great example.

The add-in author gets access to the sequence that's being edited, but it's very limited information that's available. They can read and write basic information, such as what's in the cells, but they don't know what cells are selected. They don't know of anything beyond that one sequence and only the few things available in that sequence.

With a decent application object model in place, they would get access to the application as a whole. They would know about every sequence open and details, for example, such as what cells are selected, the last range of cells executed, the last operations used, what's currently being executed, etc. They would even get access to areas outside of sequences, such as the menus. These are just examples, the full design of what will be exposed hasn't been finished.

Glad to hear you're still here KC! Any news about Vixen 3 is good news. I've been using vixen since .91 (I still have all the old versions sitting on my HD) and aren't going anywhere.

They say that familiarity builds contempt, but an old friend is always welcome. brings up memories of late nights with Jeff Penington. The good ol' days.

Aside, one goal of the rewrite has been to create a robust core application and implement anything unnecessary as external modules that can be replaced without affecting the application. The application itself will only be able to do what's necessary to execute a sequence. For example, in 2.x, scheduling is integrated into the application. Changes to the scheduler means rebuilding the application as a whole and an update is required. In 3.0, it would be implemented as an external module so if it needs to be completely replaced (or you want to use scheduler B instead of scheduler A), you replace that single module and the robust application is untouched. Much less opportunity for introducing bugs that way.

Simplicity has been mentioned several times. I really want to keep that. There is a principle called "convention over configuration". Assumptions are made so that users have fewer decisions to make. Configuration is still available to allow for desired behavior. If this can be maintained, then the application would be ready-to-use out of the box, but experienced users have the opportunity to do more. An example would be dimming curves -- they're there, but if you don't touch them they assume a default configuration.

Thanks for the input, guys. I hope this ends up being useful for you all. If not, hey, there's always 2.1! :D
You have some fantastic software here, and so many of us love it. Any improvement would be just icing on the cake, and very welcomed. I cant wait to see what you come up with next.

As for testing, (extensive alpha cycle for the brave to work problems out of the core application), I'm in. I have a full simulator set up in my office year round just to work with Vixen. And trust me, I push the limits on everything Vixen does. As for working in the off-season, I normally start my work for the next years display in march. So never feel that the testing would not give you enough feedback. There are a lot of us out here that would love to help.

Keep up the great work, and never feel that you have failed at anything. You have put so many smiles on peoples faces.
I have been running a version that identifies itself as for two years now and it has had no issues for me.

I purchased 504 RGB pixel nodes that I wanted to place in a 24 x 21 matrix, seeing no easy way to sequence them, I too strayed.

I found no easy way to reorder the channel outputs, or support for profiles.
Please do not EVER take these features away.

What I would like to see is the preview fixed so if multiple colors are overlaid, the pixel eventually turns white, not black as it currently does.

Anything you can do to support RGB will be most appreciated.

Last and most important I would like support for animations.
I think we have a workaround for this year, but native support is always better.
The following threads follow its evolution this year.,421.0.html,438.0.html,504.0.html

Yes vixen can do this.... everything after 40 seconds is being generated from vixen

Thanks for all the great work.

I bought a competing product this year with hopes for better RGB support but fell back to using Vixen as it is a GREAT program. Better RGB tools would be the one thing I'd like to see as RGB fixtures become more and more prevalent in our light shows.

Understanding the time commitment it takes to develop software like this, thanks for all the work you have and plan to put into it!

I appreciate the effort to minimize impact due to changes in a feature or interface. I hope that the external modules go as far as the UI, too, as I understand that those driving 1000's of RGB nodes prefer to sequence 'off the grid' so to speak. Triggering currently unpredictable destinations (apps, PCs, web devices, telephones, ?) and accepting triggering from unpredictable sources (car remote starters, joysticks, Wii's, motion detectors, simple switches, optical sensors, ?) makes the effort to go to object models beautiful as it will allow many more programmers to offer many more modules to interface with your core.
Thank you for the update and fine tools. And again, I appreciate the effort in starting over with a new infrastructure and totally new application.

I've been using for 2 years now with no issues. I use Vixen to run my Halloween and Christmas shows. You have definately created a great piece of software and I am always amazed at what it can do.

I briefly tryed VenueMagic mainly because I'm still new at this DMX stuff and wanted to see what commercial software could do. Turns out your software is still hard to beat.

The one feature I did like in VenueMagic was the ability to drop multiple sound bites onto the time line. The software would automatically merge the various sounds together. For example dropping a short section of thunder onto an existing song.

As multiple people have stated anything you add to the existing software will just be gravy. Couldn't agree more and look forward to what you come up with for your next release.
I used 2.5 last year and will this year. The only bug I find overly annoying is the dimming curves mapped to the wrong channel. While it does crash if you push some buttons in the wrong order or at the wrong time, I've been able to work around those easily.
One feature we have been brainstorming to implement would be requests via text message. Getting the SMS message to the computer and figuring out what song was requested is doable, I just don't see any way to stack the requests into a song queue for Vixen. It would also be nice to provide feedback to the texter on how many songs down the queue they are.

To boil it down... a song queue instead of a program, and a trigger to add a song to the queue, with a hook in the Object Model to see the current queue; Or if the OM is robust/documented, my son could write an addin.

Overall you have created a great program. i wouldn't be doing blinky without Vixen.