Triks-c, Putting it all together

Stan that would be 'circuit idea'

CC is 'computer christmas' a website that started a lot of people into this hobby.

have a look here


Hahahaha, I use ckt as an abbreviation for the word "circuit." Anyhow, that is beside the point. Thank you for letting me know.

Does anyone know if there will be a new revision for the LED triks or Triks-C? Because of the cost of shipping, I was planning on purchasing 4 of each board, but I was only going to populate 2 of them for now (and hold off on the other 2).

Hey Stan to answer your question, there are no revisions to the LEDtriks, but there is currently an idea out there for a LEDtriks II. Im crossing my fingers for it to be released early this year.
Has anyone put up a step by step work through of getting a Triks-c up and running? I have looked through a lot of forum posts to only find this collection of items.

David said he needs the bit between the introduction and the full stop at the end of the summary. Can you assist?

Oh... OK....

Here you go...

Introduction (by David)

0) Why would anyone want to use a TRIKS-C? (What's it for again?)

1) The big picture:

Vixen------LTC------ Serial Port ---- TRIKS-C ----- Ledtriks

How many TRIKS-C is too many?

How does it work?

2) Obtain board and components

3) Programming the exotic ATTINY2313

4) Building the Board

5) Building the cables

6) What do these Jumpers do? (Operating modes and configs)

7) Mastering the interim LTC software

8) Technical stuff/FAQ such as
"How many TRIKS-C does it take to change a parallel port?"
"When will the TRIKS-C do colour high def video?"
"What other TRIKS can it do?"

9) Credits - well, there's RJ of course, wjohn, the Melbourne Mini, testers of all nations, a couple of really, really positive, constructive contributions to development and release that I'll never forget.... and of course David for the construction guide..!!!!

10) Summary

. (full stop at end of summary - we can use yours David I don't mind!!)
Roughed up some stuff today. I'll email it to John & Tim (I think I have your email addy) tonight as a backup. Working on the Vixen integration bits now :)
Any progress on the Documentation for this project?
If not no biggy, this thread has most of what is required.

Matt - TimW sent me some info that is a great start. I am on a 21 days straight work week, but plan to try to get something together when I get off of it. As you said, there's a ton of info on the C, but just needs to have it all combined into some semblance of order. Hopefully, I'll be able to do it justice...

I've been learning a lot, going through it as a novice...

If I can dig up the info I sent Tim ages ago I'll post it here. It's far from complete, but I can add a little to it based on 4 Panel setup too now I have it running.
Oh no. I spent ages on that - 2 or 3 days actually :(

I don't have it at all, as I looked today pretty much everywhere. Maybe it was John I sent it to. I hope it was.
Update: Found it at work. I'll do a few minor additions tonight and fire it off to you Tim. Roger, do you want a copy as well? If so, PM me your email addy and I'll fire it off in the morning (here)

Edit: Done as much as I can for now. Time to add the interface between LTC and Vixen in the next day or so.
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Just finished building my triks-c a while ago and was wondering what the "DIAG" led was used for. I haven't found anything in the literature to explain it. Also the light doesn't do anything when I power the board up. Anybody got any ideas?