Vixen 3.7 Released

I keep trying to PM you but it doesn't seem to be going thru, the fix you said works and I can work with that. My son and I have noticed a 3Mbps upload when I use the Vixen program, which bottlenecks our network. Working with the internet disconnected is the only way to avoid this. Is this somehow related to my other issue?
I got several PM's from you. I just replied to one of them because they looked like duplicates. Let me know if you did not get it.
Yes for some reason when I PM you it wasn't showing up in the conversation window when I went to see if it sent. Sorry for that.
Yea that all makes sense I stopped the controllers and the issue resolved. I had no idea that was a thing, since I only formally had 4 or 5 controllers assigned.

Thanks again for all your help!