Boscoyo 46" ChromaBulb pixel mapping


I just received some Boscoyo Chromabulbs and shoved the pixels in according to the layout drawn on the coro. Well, it doesn't match any of the 46" bulbs I found in the prop editor vendor download from Boscoyo. The eyes seem to perform the mouth parts, and I've looked at the editor and everything I have in the eyes are the right pixel numbers. I'm using Vixen 3.11 and ESPixelsticks v4. It's my first year with singing props, so I'm probably overlooking something simple.
Thank you.
Check to ensure the imported model is correct as the Hanging and Standing models are mapped differently.
I did import the standing models. The base and outline are all fine, just the eyes and mouth don't work right. I'm going to relook at my controller programming today because I don't know what else to look for.
I found it in the ESPixelStick programming. I used the same template for the last things I built, Christmas trees. So when I looked I still had zigzag set to 1 instead of 0. I need to pay more attention to the details as I'm learning!!