Controlling Led Strings with Vixen 3


Supporting Member
I have been using Vixen 2.1 since I began this hobby years ago. I also use the Renard Controllers
which have been rock solid for us. I have been wanting to try moving our display to Vixen 3, but I guess
I am too ignorant to figure how to set up our display items in Vixen 3 as an "element" I think is the term.
I have a Megatree with 16 strands each of Red, Green, Blue and White as well as Arches with 8 white and 8 red strands on each.
I just can't figure out how to set them up. I have watched some tutorials but I still can't figure it out.
Is there a simple explanation?? We run 476 channels of Renard on three houses on my street all controlled
with Xbee's. Any help would be appreciated!!
One of the conceptual keys to transition from Vixen 2 to Vixen 3 is to think less about channels and more about props. For your mega-tree you would create 16 display elements in Vixen 3. You would configure these display element to support discrete colors of Red, Green, Blue, and White. You would probably put them in a group named mega-tree. This mega-tree prop is rendered as a group with 16 nodes beneath the group. You then drag color effects onto the group or individual nodes to control which of the strands / colors are activated. Example: You might put a Set Level effect on the Mega-Tree group and select the color Blue. This will light up all 16 of the blue strands.

Channels come into play when you patch the prop to controller(s). In the Vixen display setup is where channels come into play and the 16 strands x 4 colors. There should be 64 patch points to patch to controller(s). Note the order the discrete colors are defined determines the order of them when patching. The Vixen software handles routing the color data to the correct channel.
To get started quickly, go into the preview setup. Create a preview if you do not already have one. Then in the section at the top called Smart Objects, click the icon that looks like a tree. It will say Mega-Tree when you hover over it. In the preview area click and drag where you want it from top left to bottom right. This will draw out a tree to start. You can move/resize it later. Then a dialog will appear to configure the tree. Since you are using analog strings the defaults should be fine. Yo can change the name if you desire. Click ok. The next dialog will ask you if you want a dimming curve. You can skip that for now and just say no. The next screen will ask how to setup the colors. Since you have super strings with 4 colors, you would choose option 2 and select RGBW. This tells it you have 4 independent strings on each of your 16 legs. Click ok and also click ok on the final summary. Now you can adjust the tree to the size placement you want.

Now in the editor you have a Mega tree with 16 elements. Those elements are configured for what we call discrete colors. If you drop a set level effect on the tree, it will start out as Red. You can change that to any of the 4 colors you have. To light red and blue both, drop two set levels on the tree. Make one Blue and leave the other red. Now both the red and blue strings will light.

You will need to do the patching in the display setup to your controller. Each of the 16 elements will have 4 patch points. You can just patch the whole item to your Renard controller. That will take up 64 channels. 16x4 and they will be in the order RGBW, RGBW, etc.

Hope that helps get you going and maybe the other docs you have read or videos will make more sense.
I migrated from V2 to V3 several years back and at first was intimidated by the process, but the more I "experimented" with the program the more I came to understand it, I still have a learning curve in dealing with it, but it is easier than the old V2 style.

If you are interested, I can send you a copy of my profile since I still run LED light strings (been thinking about moving to pixels), I also use the XBee's to control my display. Once you load in my profile you can see how I set up my Mega-tree and other elements/props.
I migrated from V2 to V3 several years back and at first was intimidated by the process, but the more I "experimented" with the program the more I came to understand it, I still have a learning curve in dealing with it, but it is easier than the old V2 style.

If you are interested, I can send you a copy of my profile since I still run LED light strings (been thinking about moving to pixels), I also use the XBee's to control my display. Once you load in my profile you can see how I set up my Mega-tree and other elements/props.
That would be awesome!! My email is: