


I had created animations of my matrix using Jinx! a few years ago; tune to... , Merry Christmas, etc. I upgraded my matrix this year and now I need to remake these animations to reflect the new size but can not for the life of me remember how I got them converted from Jinx to gled. I thought I had just simply changed the .jnx to .gled but that is not working and only gives me a colorful white-noise effect.

I have Jinx! (2.4) set to the same dimensions of the new matrix but I think I am still missing a step in there. Also tried a new one with Glediator V3, also can not get it to work in Vixen.

I'm all ears..
Yes. In vixen, using the glediator effect, select the .gled file.

Unless there is another procedure in there I'm overlooking. I can select my old .gled I had previously made for the smaller matrix and they work as intended. I can not get any new ones I've created for the new matrix, nor new ones created for the old matrix (smaller size) to work.
I figured out what I was missing. Thought I'd document it for anyone else or myself who searches for it in the future...

I was trying to use the Jinx! project file (saves as .jnx).

I had forgotten to specify to output to glediator file, which writes a .out file after starting output in Jinx! It is the .out file that you change to .gled and then vixen can read it using the glediator effect.

Happy Sequencing!