Wireless SSR for Ren64?


I was wondering if there’s anyway to make some of my SSR’s for my ren64 wirlesss since I have a pretty long run. If not, are there any other solutions that would work with my ren64 that you suggest?
The data rates between the Ren and the SSR are high enough that you would need to add some intelligence to do this. Would it be simpler to use an SS8 closer to your prop and daisy chain the data cable from the Ren? If you really need wireless out to the prop, you can use the ESPixelstick running with a Renard output and use WiFi to deliver the sequence or sync to the ESP. The ESP outputs Renard data over a short cable to the Ren. There is also something called a RenStick which is similar (may be available as design files only). Uses an ESP and has integrated Renard processing and SSR channels. If I remember correctly, it fits in a PVC pipe.
@dirknerkle did a wireless SSR adapter. It is really a wireless controller connected to a SSR. Boards would be on your own and you might just want to do a wireless controller (which this is but...);

There is this 4/8 output controller where at least you could get a board:
This version uses 4 low current switching components on the board but you can connect another 4 to your higher current SSR or skip the VO2223A part of the board and wire 8 channels of SSR to the PIC outputs. You could do that with the one banger as well.