ESPixelStick Group Buy - E1.31 WiFi Pixel Controller kit

Ah - didn't realize that was expected. I'm tempted to get a UPS just for the router ( AP / wireless router... in case that wasn't clear... )

I'm still very much in debug / test mode, so I can't say for sure - I do lose them relatively frequently, but that could be because of something I'm doing. I will say that I have one that disconnects much more frequently than the others. It's a bit closer than the furthest one, but is on the inside of a window - still only ~20' away though. I have 7 total up and running now, and I don't expect to make any more major hardware changes, so I'll keep an eye out.

As long as they stay connected, I love these things!
The modules need to be rebooted if you reboot your access point. I plan on adding a watchdog in the future to monitor AP status and handle it automatically in the future. Are you having any other connection issues aside from that? I'm using 16 of them for my show in Unicast mode with a Ubiquiti Nanostation locoM2 as the AP without any issues.
You try multicast with that AP yet? It's Ubiquiti APs that lead me to realize multicast in the ESP has a bug with igmp.

Sent from my SM-T700 using Tapatalk
You try multicast with that AP yet? It's Ubiquiti APs that lead me to realize multicast in the ESP has a bug with igmp.

Sent from my SM-T700 using Tapatalk

Not yet. I had originally planned to do multicast, but my TP-Link started having some issues once I got all 16 online. I switched to Unicast, but was having some lag spikes on my furthest elements with the AP in my garage. That's when I switched to the locoM2 outside and I just left everything Unicast at that point. I saw the issue you put in on it in github, but haven't had a chance to look at it closely yet. I'll switch back to multicast after the show is over and do some testing. The locoM2 is just running in AP bridge mode and the TP-Link (with OpenWRT) is still handling the routing (and serving DHCP for the show network).
Thanks to all of you for your help. I got them working. not sure what was wrong. I started from scratch again and even redid all wiring. works like a champ now. Sincere thanks. Sure feels good when things work.
Any news on when another group buy might occur on these? For next year, I'm planning on adding some new elements and these look like a perfect fit for my plans. I'd love to get my hands on a couple of them to play with in the coming weeks.
I see that you have a shared board design on OSHPARK. Is that the final version? If so, would it be possible to get the SMD parts list, please? Thanks!

Sorry everyone, it's looking like later this summer. I just haven't had anytime to work on them and just got around to sending off for the first round of prototype boards. Hoping to have some updates for you by June. It looks like some other people have developed solutions as well, so may want to look at those if you need something quick.
Thanks, I'm just happy to know the group buy it's still on your radar! It's certainly something I will be watching for!
Testing has been going well on the V2 boards that I've hand built. I have a small test batch in production now and should have them in my hands by the end of the month. Right now, I'm targeting a short group buy (1-2 weeks) to begin the first week of August and hope to start shipping boards by the first of September. Pricing should be similar to the previous buy, with an option to include the ESP-01 module.