ESPixelStick V2 Group Buy - E1.31 WiFi Pixel Controller kit

All orders as of 7:30AM EST 8/9 should be invoiced or participants contacted. If you haven't received an invoice or response from me by the time of this status, please let me know ASAP!.

Google drive was down for a few hours yesterday, which is where the order form saves its responses. If you placed an order yesterday and haven't heard from me, please let me now. Everything is still on track, thanks!
Just sent you my payment!


All orders as of 9:30AM EST 8/10 have been invoiced or the participants contacted. If you haven't received an invoice or response from me by the time of this status, please let me know ASAP!.

I'd considered placing the board order early, but the orders keep trickling in and and I didn't want to cut anyone off that may be waiting to place their orders this weekend. We're still on track for the original dates.

I've also started development on a tool that will allow you to configure the ESPixelStick to your AP and flash it with pre-compiled binaries. I'm planning to have it completed along with a new firmware release by the time boards ship. This means that unless you want to hack on the code or build it from the latest commits, you won't even need Arduino or any of the dependencies in order to program your kits. More updates to come!
All orders as of 8:00AM EST 8/11 have been invoiced or the participants contacted. If you haven't received an invoice or response from me by the time of this status, please let me know ASAP!.

Everything's on track and chugging along. Just 3 more days of the buy, then I'll be submitting the order for the boards. All of the BOM components are already on their way. The ESPixelStick Flash Tool I mentioned yesterday is coming along well and will be ready for usage when the boards ship out. This means you won't even need Arduino installed to configure and program your kits. Each new release of the firmware will be packaged with the flash tool and pre-compiled binaries for both Pixel and Serial output modes. Of course the source will always be open and on GitHub if you want to build via Arduino. There's a thread about the tool along with a link to an alpha version that includes the 1.5 beta firmware here -
All orders as of 7:00AM EST 8/13 have been invoiced or the participants contacted. If you haven't received an invoice or response from me by the time of this status, please let me know ASAP!.
All orders as of 7:30AM EST 8/14 have been invoiced or the participants contacted. If you haven't received an invoice or response from me by the time of this status, please let me know ASAP!. Group buy ends tonight!
The group buy is now CLOSED and all participants have either been invoiced or contacted. If you haven't received an invoice or response from me by the time of this status, please let me know ASAP!. As a reminder, all payments are due to tomorrow night (8/16). I'll send out invoice reminders later this evening for those who haven't paid (most already have, thanks!). We're still on track for the original dates. I'll update this thread as the buy progresses.
I really need to get on the board more. I totally missed this again ;)

That's been my issue on a lot of these group buys. I managed to get in on this one early for once. Got the invoice, sent the money via Paypal, and saw it hit my bank account so I know Shelby (at least I hope it was Shelby!) got the money.

Nothing major to report. Everything is still on track and the majority of the BOM materials have arrived. I've been busy prepping kits and working on firmware updates. Will keep you posted as things progress. Also, everyone has paid. Thanks!
No one can say you don't give updates!
Glad to hear things are progressing as expected and thanks for keeping us all so well informed!
Much appreciated.
I had been holding off for an update, as I had expected the boards to be on their way to me already. The boards have been manufactured and are now going through the QA / inspection process, with shipping expected very soon. I'm now expecting the boards to show up next week sometime, which pushes us back a little since I still have to kit them out. We're now looking at the week of the 19th for shipping kits out, possibly the end of next week. Sorry for the delay, I'll keep everyone posted as the buy progresses.
Boards, ESP's and rest of BOM showed up today! It will take me through the weekend to finish kitting everything out and prepping to ship, so expect orders to start going out first of next week.
Oh Boy, Oh Boy, Oh Boy!

New Toys, New Toys, New Toys!

Thanks Again Shelby! You da DIYer for sure! You just got to love new things to tinker with.
Most of the orders when out today and the rest should be shipping out tomorrow. If you haven't received a tracking number yet, you're in the later group and should be receiving one later this evening.
All orders have been shipped! Everyone should have received a shipping notification from PayPal along with tracking information. If not, let me know and I can get a tracking number to you. I should have the updated assembly and usage manual ready by tomorrow, and the 2.0 firmware with the flash tool will be ready by the end of this week. Let me know ASAP if any of you experience issues with your kits. I'm holding off until the end of the month to make any extra kits available and will update availability status then.

I suspect that an effort like this is a huge PITA with handling large numbers of small purchasers, coordinating vendors, dealing with impatient buyers, sweating through delays that are beyond your control, etc. Thank you for your efforts.

From USPS: Expected Delivery Day: Wednesday, September 21, 2016 <Yea!>
