Holiday Coro Singing Pumpkin

Just a quick note on my experience with Before and after I bought, I had some questions that dmoore answered within a few hours. The ordering was super easy. I got my pumpkin yesterday. dmoore has put some thought into the packaging. Specifically, the corners, which would take the most damage. dmoore padded these with extra coro- the coro padding took the hit on mine. It did exactly what was needed- it got tore up but the pumpkin coro did not. The coro itself is scored perfectly for mini lights and because of his tutorial, I will be painting white lights orange and green for the pumpkin. It is marked exceptionally well- it will make for a quick build one I get it framed up. Inside I found mounting instructions and a bill of sale. He's made the instructions on assembly available on his website. I've pretty much memorized them before the pumpkin got here. And folks, holy cow is 8 foot by 8 foot big. All in all, I feel he's a great member to deal with and he sells great products. I know this isn't anything new to the many people who have dealt with him but if you weren't sure or if you have questions, in my opinion you have no worries.
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eeek, I couldn't agree more.

Great products at excellent prices, easy to buy from, terrific packaging & shipping, and their assembly manuals are first-rate.

Good luck with your pumpkin -- it's a blast!
Here we are, a few months later.... After a few odd nightmares of Halloween getting here and I wasn't ready (no, really,) I finally got my pumpkin going. The frame was very simple- just 2x4's. We made it into 2 4x8 sections for ease of storage. They will screw together and then we will cross brace it on the side. We are going to build a platform for the 8 small pumpkins to sit on. Last Christmas, I bought tons of 100 count white lights. I painted them with krylon red x-metal paint. In order to hit all of it, I have to paint them twice. I started putting the lights in and unfortunately, it striped the paint off. Which didn't look horrible- the paint was on the tip. However, I couldn't take it. Off I went to a few stores and came home with all orange light. Much, much better. I am very happy with it.
Here are a few other small tips- if you get the giant 7x7 foot pumpkin, you'll need 32 strings of 50 count. Well. Probably 31 and one sting of 20 or so. If you plan on making the pumpkin split into two 4x8 sections, it is important to note that you will need exactly 250 lights on the bottom section of the pumpkin out line. The top part of the pumpkin outline is 205. Hence, this is why you can get by with 31 50's and one 20.

editing this again- it is 205, not 204.
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Not yet.... It is in two parts and right now I have it jumped over to the second part. But I will get a video soon.
That's about 1/12th of the pumpkins we have. Each one of these around the house and driveway are lighted statically. The giant pumpkin is going to go on the fence by the blue car on the left.

Make sure that you have that sucker braced well. I tried to put mine up in just a light wind last year and it was impossible so I ended putting it on the front of the house
Thanks for the advice! We saw that and luckily my brother is a fair good carpenter. He's helping me with it and as much I am stressing easy to put up, I have been stressing stability, too. At the end of the day, the top is going to be 12 feet off the ground. Ha!
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Here's my pumpkin. Well, the support for it. We added another notched cross member horizontally to support when the fold was in the coro- there's a lot of weight here, so it needed it. We ran 2 2x12's attached to the platform up, added blocks and the bottom part rests on that. Then we used C clamps and a few screws to hold the top part of the pumpkin to it.

Here's my pumpkin. Well, the support for it. We added another notched cross member horizontally to support when the fold was in the coro- there's a lot of weight here, so it needed it. We ran 2 2x12's attached to the platform up, added blocks and the bottom part rests on that. Then we used C clamps and a few screws to hold the top part of the pumpkin to it.

Jim - That pumpkin looks great!
Thank you! I am very happy with it. It's funny how much we've changed the design since we got involved in this. I am just happy to see it's (finally!) coming together!
I am wondering if anyone has done any sequencing for the pumpkin and chorus to a more modern song. I have seen several done for the quartet monsters but not so much for the pumpkins. I can appreciate the additional songs David has placed on his website...of which I will be purchasing....but I like the fun of the Party Rock, Boom Boom Pow, and the like.
If you look over on page 2 of the sequences for pumpkins on his site, Howlin' For You is pretty modern. Ha!

I do happen to know he'll have a few more very soon. We looked at doing boom boom pow, but it has so many voices that just one face makes it tough. We'll check out party rock!
I am wondering if anyone has done any sequencing for the pumpkin and chorus to a more modern song. I have seen several done for the quartet monsters but not so much for the pumpkins. I can appreciate the additional songs David has placed on his website...of which I will be purchasing....but I like the fun of the Party Rock, Boom Boom Pow, and the like.

While not all these are newer, we did add some additional sequences this week:

Howlin' For You (The Black Keys)
Hungry like the wolf
Cantina Band - Star Wars
Bow Wow Wow
People are Strange
Unpacked my big pumpkin and got him all set up. Happy to report all lights working! Friday I will unpack the smaller ones place them and finish my set up. I am so glad I took the time and extra money to pack it up properly. How is everyone's going? When will you start your show?
I have a few new sequences in my show this year. I am excited to see it set up and running. I was able to get some more modern sequences. Jim and Vicky Anderson from were able to adapt their monster sequences to the singing pumpkin and chorus for me. They did party rock by LMFAO, Sexy and I know it by LMFAO, and Itsy Bitsy Spider by Joey Deluxe. Just a fantastic job and great people to work with. They will make these available for purchase.
Still wanting to get a few additional sequences from David too.
Can anyone give me tips on videoing the show? I tried it last year with my cannon camera but it was horrible.