New vixen version

FYI, very few programs can handle that many channels. LSP says "unlimited" but I there are reported issues with just over 2000 channels. KC is currently testing Vixen for full speed operation at just over 2000 channels as well.

Only 2,000, I hope you mean 20,000
I ran 2,500 channels last year on Vixen.
I think Aussie Phil ran 8,000 channels.

There is a process to allow Vixen to program matrices.
It takes a little effort, but it will work.,438.0.html

no I mean 2000 with the smallest timeslices....the event intervals mean alot and the testing is done on minimal hardware. If you plan on running thousands of channels, I would not be using a low end PC. However, even with higher channel counts you will always have issues on PCs using windows as you do not have full control over when your data is sent to the processor. I am not saying it does not work...I am saying plan on doing testing to verify it.
Here is a video with Vixen running 16384 channels.

I have a fast computer and I am not too worried about the program being able to handle it.
Adjustable preview may be a problem, but i guess we will see.
Wow with 16384 channels and drawing at an average of 1 channel every 10 seconds, it would take 45.5 hours just to complete the preview. :eek: That’s about 3 or sequences for me.
Didn't think about drawing the adjustable preview, ouch. That's why I am looking at LSP, soon to be 2.0.
You draw a line and say its 128 nodes (3 color each = 384 channels) and it does it automatically.
Way quicker.
I have no idea what KC has planned for Vixen, just that there will be RGB support. Past experiences show that KC is no slouch at software. We’ll just see when it emerges.
I will be happy with whatever he creates, it's hard enough writing the software and doing it for free WOW, I am sure that it takes hundreds of hours to develop something like that, can't wait to see it.
I tried to run 4000 channels off LSP last year but couldnt get it to work even with a 4 core 2.8GHz processor and 8GB ram :( I ended up using Vixen and it ran without a hitch :) Sequencing it was a problem though could only do basic sequences using logic functions because I ran out of time (LSP let me down)

However Vixen Rules I just hope that KC finds the time to complete the new version. Keep up the good work :)

Didn't think about drawing the adjustable preview, ouch. That's why I am looking at LSP, soon to be 2.0.
You draw a line and say its 128 nodes (3 color each = 384 channels) and it does it automatically.
Way quicker.

Folks....this is the user interface...NOT the core program. The editor is a can write what you want in the new version of Vixen. KC is doing one now but you can program it to do what ever you want.

The core program is the one generating the data to sent out to the ports. Also, what hardware setup did you use for 16k channels? Event timings? It all makes a difference.
g2ktcf, anybody planning on writing and updating a feature list and user manual? KC never has time and had said that he wasn’t any good at documentation and left it for someone else last time. Nobody had time by the time 2.5 appeared publicly and it never really ever happened.

It would be a lot easier to document as it progresses than figure out what was done at the end. The Wiki would be a good place to put it and it wouldn’t need to be public until Vixen is.

Once it goes public then anybody can update it. Just trying to think ahead a little bit.
Ernie...the plan is to release the ALPHA version to a few of us who could write add-ons for this year. That is what he is planning.

As for documentation...that will be left up to the Add-On writer. This is one of the Major changes for Vixen this year. Most of what we use is in the User Interface and that can be changed as you see fit. There should be 5 different "module" types for the core system. I have not seen the details as we just discussed them last Friday. The documentation will most likely need to be a group effort and the Wiki is the ideal place for this. It is way too early to even think of how to layout the structure of this Wiki page but we will all have to have an hand in it.
Ernie...the plan is to release the ALPHA version to a few of us who could write add-ons for this year. That is what he is planning.

As for documentation...that will be left up to the Add-On writer. This is one of the Major changes for Vixen this year. Most of what we use is in the User Interface and that can be changed as you see fit. There should be 5 different "module" types for the core system. I have not seen the details as we just discussed them last Friday. The documentation will most likely need to be a group effort and the Wiki is the ideal place for this. It is way too early to even think of how to layout the structure of this Wiki page but we will all have to have an hand in it.

I am working on a plug-in for 2.5 that supports display shapes, and RGB pixels etc. Vixen Display Visualizer

I would be interested, if possible, in having early access to get the plug in working with 3.0.


you will need it....the data structure that you read from Vixen for any module is different.

To be expected, 3.0 sounds like a fundamental change to the software. Do you know if there is a timeline for the alpha release, or if we could get the API in some form?


right now, there is only the core module and you have nothing to really play with. Once KC gets a rudimentary UI done, I expect to see him give out the alpha for testing. Bear in mind that he chooses who to give this too so you need to ask him for it. Please give him enough information to convince him that you can give him the feedback he needs. Having an existing plug-in or add-in that needs to be modified is a good start!!!
right now, there is only the core module and you have nothing to really play with. Once KC gets a rudimentary UI done, I expect to see him give out the alpha for testing. Bear in mind that he chooses who to give this too so you need to ask him for it. Please give him enough information to convince him that you can give him the feedback he needs. Having an existing plug-in or add-in that needs to be modified is a good start!!!

Thanks for the info, I will contact KC then!

Hey guys! Thanks for the activity and discussion. I think it's time to catch you all up on where things stand.

First, thanks to Chris for fielding questions and disseminating what he could. And thanks for the coffee, Chris. I don't know if I actually thanked you that day.

There has been a group building up in the background of about a half-dozen guys to help move this thing along. Some of the guys who have been around since near the stone age, like Chris, have started chipping in where they can in design, implementation and, eventually, testing. I don't have a list in front of me, but from memory they include Michael Sallaway, Ben Yaroch, Anthony Marchini (I hope I got that right), Jonathon Reinhart, Tony Eberle, and my apologies to names I missed because I know there are at least a couple more. So this is a very active affair.

Since Chris and I met up, the group has been having daily discussions with this thread in mind (which is hard when you consider we span 15 hours in time zone differences altogether). There is an area of functionality that we think will be really helpful, but it would set us back a bit on the UI front. But, since we're no longer a single guy, we can multitask. Anyway, the daily back-and-forth has been about the details of this last-minute addition and whether or not to try to include it. We think it's important enough to include. On the plus side, it's not as invasive as it could be, so the impact is not a month-long setback.

With that in mind, the second question has been what you've been discussing here -- this year or not? We think we can do it, and there are at least a couple people in the group that really believe in that. I'll qualify that with our high-level hopes: our hope is to have a usable front-end by September and usable binaries for developers before that. However, don't expect a polished rock by September. Our first goal is stability and enough of a UI that it can be usable. Then as we get feedback from you, we adjust and polish. This will hopefully develop into a feedback and release cycle that demonstrates that we are moving in a positive direction. I know that September doesn't give much sequencing time, but if this version does for you what we hope it will, we think your sequencing times could be greatly reduced. We may be way off the mark and only you will be able to tell us.

Let me be as frank and as straight-forward as I can be with the next statement: This is our goal. This is not a promise. With that said, we're going to be busting our individual and collective butts to achieve that goal. You've been a pretty extraordinary group to have stuck around like you have and I, we, think pretty highly of you. Even the ones that have migrated elsewhere. On that note, let me also say this -- You do what you have to to take care of yourself. As awesome as it would be to have you put so much faith in our efforts as to hold off doing your show, do what you have to to make that show happen. After all, we are human, this is a volunteer effort, and life and work tend to interrupt even the best-laid plans. We're committed, but if you have to go to LSP, LOR, or anything else to make your awesomeness happen, no hard feelings. You are at the center of this, not us.

Man, do I talk a lot. Really, I'm quiet in person. Better wrap this up.

So that's the plan. We think we've ironed out the detail on this new bit of functionality and are starting to look into design and implementation tonight. UI is going to move forth now that this is settled, and we're going to do what we can to finally, FINALLY get you guys an update this year.

Thanks for your interest and thanks for...well, just a lot of things.
KC - I for one am very grateful for the info and the effort. I can continue using the very stable 2.1 for now and look forward to the improved blinky flashy fun of your new release. As long as there is an upgrade path from our current vixen files to the new ones, I think Halloween could be a great test bed for the new code.

Once again THANK YOU:D
Thanks for letting the rest of us know KC. We've heard rumors and speculations for a couple of years, so it's great to hear directly from you that Vixen is moving forward.

September's still quite awhile so I've still got plenty of time to get more rumors going. ;)

I also kind of miss those short full screen posts of your's. :p
i am thrilled that you take all this time to do this for us. this is an AWESOME endeavor and one that we are all very grateful for.

being one that has years in the stage lighting business - i find VIXEN a very useful and thoughtful tool to allow us to do what we do. - CHEERS!
i proudly use, display, and brag on VIXEN to all the folks that enjoy what VIXEN does with lights and special effects for my displays.
VIXEN does a plethora of things that LOR (scoff) will never be able to do (by its very nature). and i for one am hooked on VIXEN. thank you!

there is one thing i would ask (no big deal if you cant) is there a way add a feature that allows LIVE edits.
for example, if you have a channel that you are troubleshooting - raising and lowering intensity and have the channel respond immediately.
i have found this to be very helpful with other applications, and thought that perhaps this may be something to add to this.

if you need a beta tester, i would be happy to do that