Converting Three Channel Red, Green, Blue channels Into a Single RGB Channel

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1A also contains a three channel - Red, Green, Blue - conversion into a single RGB channel. This should help reduce channel count from a converted Vixen file.

The way to do the RGB conversion follows: Add your RGB channels to your sequence. Create a group that contains a few of your new RGB channels and their associated single channels.

Under the Menu "Manage Channels" - select "Convert Three Channels to RGB". Note the warning about overlapping channels - you can manually clean those up later. Perform the conversion.

When you are happy with the conversion - go into "Manage Raw Channels" and DELETE the three single channels - NOTE - they will not be removed until you close HLS down. Close HLS - then restart HLS. Conversion is now complete and old channels are gone leaving only single RGB for you to sequence with.

Next: Converting Vixen Files to HLS