Ammo boxes $5


Costco is selling these 4 ammo boxes for $19.99

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I've only looked into ammo boxes a little, how do you mount the PSU and board (assuming you aren't using a Falcon SRx1-PSU or SRx2-PSU-V)? Cost effective boxes sound great, but I wonder if the mounting board inside cost 2x-4x the box itself.

Personally I haven't used them yet, I use the harbor freight cases for the 4 controller boxes I have.

It would probably work well for a switch box, currently I have been using some of the red Folgers coffee containers.

Like you said, I've seen people post pictures using them for remote controllers with a single power supply.

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
You don't have to use application specific mounting boards for power supplies and controllers. I've mounted them on plywood, hardboard, acrylic sheets and aluminum. Each are very easy to attach to the boxes. I've used the Harbor Freight boxes and they word great for me.