Request a sample - Allegro ICs

cool, im gonna have another go,

for a while there we wernt getting any allegro's because the local office was saying no.

I had thought that Allegro had lost my original order so I had re-requested samples under my wife's name. Those came last week. Today I received the 6 I originally ordered under my name. It appears that they are sending them out now with regularity. :)
hope this is a sign of things to come.

would be good to get samples :)

i would be happy if there was a local supplier that we could order small batches from.

ah well we can all dream

I put my order in on 1/1/08...little O/S package in the mail when i come home from work...6 Allegro's in a little plastic case... i am impressed especially from US and sent on the 24th
I ordered 6 on Feb 4 and received them today.

Odd thing is I received 12 chips in total

The first set of chipx (6) are the A6278EA-T (24pin). However my second set of chips (6) have A6278EA printed on top of the chips (16pin). Someone who doesnt have any clue about chips what can these be used for?
Mine came in only 3 days! I ordered 6 but they only sent 4. Oh well, you still can't beat the price!
I ordered 6 on Feb 4 and received them today.

Odd thing is I received 12 chips in total

The first set of chipx (6) are the A6278EA-T (24pin). However my second set of chips (6) have A6278EA printed on top of the chips (16pin). Someone who doesnt have any clue about chips what can these be used for?

you sure it's the 6278 and not the 6279 (that's a 24p package)

difference between the 2 is the number of sink drivers 6278 = 8 and 6279 = 16 .
I placed an order for six samples of the A6279EAT on Feb. 7, they were mailed Feb. 8 and I received them today.

I'm not so sure about the Floridian thing... I asked for 6 on the 13th and received 6 on the 16th shipped to Central FL.

Wondering if I can request more :)