Pixels and AC C9 LED's?


Supporting Member
I have been rethinking my whole display layout. A big part of it is staying off the ladder so that means no AC LED Icicle lights and a row C9 LED light I run along with them. Maybe do a more permanent Pixel install around eves with channel or something. More on the porch and in the yard.
Anyway. I thought of making a tree out of the C9's and then the thought came to ADD the C9's to the existing Pixel tree. I have modeled it and played with it in sequencing software. I really think it would be a good thing.
Anybody do this before? Any Ideas? Size? Spacing? # of Strands?
Or should I just make a separate tree altogether?
Cant help with your question, but I do have a suggestion for your ladder issue. I mounted a bunch of pulleys on the front edge of my soffits. I run a set of nylon cords throught them to PVC pipe on which I mount lights. Hoist them up from the ground without using a ladder. Repairs are all done at grond level.
Cant help with your question, but I do have a suggestion for your ladder issue. I mounted a bunch of pulleys on the front edge of my soffits. I run a set of nylon cords throught them to PVC pipe on which I mount lights. Hoist them up from the ground without using a ladder. Repairs are all done at grond level.
this sounds interesting, do you have any pictures?