Display Construction

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Hookup: An organized way to wire your display.

Documentation and Labeling: Keeping track of how you designed, constructed and erected your display, and labeling circuits and display components

Electrical & Wiring

Electrical Tools:Recommended tools that you should have on hand.

GFCI: Why GFI Ground Fault Interrupter is so important.

Shared Neutral Cables: Specialized cables that can combine multiple channels into a bundle.

Shorten Mini Lights: How you can cut or shorten a set of 100 Mini style Christmas lights

Shorten LED Strings: How to cut, shorten or modify LED strings

Extension Cord Adapters: How you can adapt a regular extension cord to handle two control channels.


Sleeves: Place removable posts into reusable PVC sleeves to support your Christmas display


Mini Trees: What Mini Trees are and how to make them.

Easy Light Arch: How to build a 10 channel Light Arch.

Happy Holidays Sign: How to build a Happy Holidays sign using PVC pipe.

Plywood Cut Outs: This page has patterns for cutting display items out of plywood.

How to Convert Mini Strings to Simple Homemade Led Strings: This page will tell you how to create your own led strings using old mini lights, standard leds, and diodes/resistors. They are full wave and very easy to do. Now you can shorten an existing string or custom make your own.

How to Make a 3ft Star out of PVC: Easy way to build a 3ft star out of Sch40 PVC

Candy Cane Upgrade to Rope Light: Taking an old Candy Cane and replacing the lights inside with rope light or adding rope light to a Candy Cane that does not have lights. Also, just a method to add power to a cut rope light.

Outline a House with Pixels: Blog Article [1]

Building a StarFlake Spinner: A low-cost pixel based DIY prop that is Flexible and Versatile

Building a 7' Singing Snowman: Build includes Stocking Cap, Singing Face, Two Spinners, and 3 position arms

VUmeter: Add an attractive and active digital Volume Unit meter (VUmeter) to your display

10' Megatree: Low cost and simple to build

Welded Wire Fence Displays: A flexible "canvas" onto which you can create your lighted display

Going Green

Led Lighting: Ways that Light Emitting Diodes are making headway into our designs

Media: Converting_LEDs.pdf: Converting cheap chinese LED strings to full wave & dimable for light control